
New Dramione Oneshot -- Out Now ❤️
          	"I didn't think we were exclusive!", Draco spluttered, his usually pale skin flushed & grey eyes darting as he searched Hermione's face. 
          	"And I didn't think you were going to kiss Pansy Parkinson right in front of me!", Hermione hissed, arms crossed protectively over her chest. 
          	Read it here -->


New Dramione Oneshot -- Out Now ❤️
          "I didn't think we were exclusive!", Draco spluttered, his usually pale skin flushed & grey eyes darting as he searched Hermione's face. 
          "And I didn't think you were going to kiss Pansy Parkinson right in front of me!", Hermione hissed, arms crossed protectively over her chest. 
          Read it here -->


New Sirius Black x Reader Oneshot -- Out Now ❤️ "Sirius took a step towards you, his grey eyes searching yours. You were suddenly aware of how close you were, and how a hush had fallen over the Great Hall." 
          Read it here -->


So thrilled that 'Accio! Harry Potter Oneshots' has now reached 111k reads & is currently trending #11 NEXTGEN ❤️ 
          Check out the new stories if you haven't already... including James Potter x Lily Evans, Ron Weasley x Hermione Granger & Albus Potter x Scorpius Malfoy. 
          Looking forward to writing more stories & achieving more goals in 2020. Wishing everyone a safe & happy festive season  xx


ummm, I don't wanna rush you but you but I sincerely miss a date with Dan (even though it's only been three days). you don't have to update because I said this, but plzzzz update soon.


@GabrielaArtilesTorre Sorry! I have been taking a break from Wattpad, but Dan and I will be back soon and better than ever. Promise!


thank you so much for dedicating me, that was very sweet of you and it made my day! ❤


@Gamefreak88  I'm so glad. Thanks again for everything!


@AlwaysTheNerdyOne of course! I enjoy all the chapters. 