
Hey guys!
          	So, as you know, I've been taking a little break from writing my stories. Sorry about that to you guys who've been waiting for an update. I will be continuing the stories, don't worry.
          	In the meantime, I've published the first chapter of a new story, so read it and tell me what you think! Hope you like it!
          	- BuddyBoy27


@AmanJerico I read it and it is interesting!!! Also, what is the flow of the story? Is it Peter going to DC and the 3 women will go to be with him to avoid the ungrateful 616? Is that it? PLEASE CONSIDER bringing Peter back to be with the 3!!!!!!! AND to leave 616 to be with him somewhere safe like another MCU or DC!!! Finally, don't pair the three with others!!! It is not right unless they are with Peter!!! I love your stories and PLEASE I'M BEGGING YOU TO RECONSIDER!!! Thank you!! 


DC Comics Superman: Speeding Bullets 1993. Have you read this, if yes, what do you think. I highly recommend it. In this story, Superman fell near the home of Wayne's family, they adopted him and named him Bruce. In short, Superman became Batman. ( ). Think about it, it's cool. Batman, who will not be taken by any weapon, will not be held in any prison. Batman, who can rightly be called a demon. Do you think you could come up with a cool story on this topic?