
Hello everyone,
          	As you've probably noticed I haven't updated for about 10 months, which I do apologise for. 
          	I am trying SO hard to get Sebson updated but, with everything currently happening with my life, it's not as easy as I had hoped it would be. I've had the worst damn writers block, not knowing how to continue the story - let alone how to actually end it. At one point, I was considering abandoning the  story entirely but, knowing that people enjoy it, I didn't want to let anyone down. I've been throwing around some ideas but I don't know for sure (yet) when it will be updated. I ensure you that I WILL update it and finish it. It's just going to take some time.  
          	Again, I apologise for the massive lack of updates but I'm trying the best I can. 
          	Thank you for your patience <3


Hello everyone,
          As you've probably noticed I haven't updated for about 10 months, which I do apologise for. 
          I am trying SO hard to get Sebson updated but, with everything currently happening with my life, it's not as easy as I had hoped it would be. I've had the worst damn writers block, not knowing how to continue the story - let alone how to actually end it. At one point, I was considering abandoning the  story entirely but, knowing that people enjoy it, I didn't want to let anyone down. I've been throwing around some ideas but I don't know for sure (yet) when it will be updated. I ensure you that I WILL update it and finish it. It's just going to take some time.  
          Again, I apologise for the massive lack of updates but I'm trying the best I can. 
          Thank you for your patience <3


Hello everyone, 
          I know it's been 2 months since I updated the Sebson fic and I haven't posted any completed F1 One Shot requests, which I deeply apologise for. I've had a lot on my plate, mostly because of my depression. I've had counselling, meetings and all sorts of other stuff to deal with as well as trying to do everything else I usually do in day-to-day life. Sadly, this does affect my updates. Sometimes I have lack of interest when it comes to writing, I can't concentrate, or I get upset with myself for lack of ideas, so I don't post as often as I should. 
          I'm extremely grateful for the love you've given my work, even with very late updates, and I couldn't thank you all enough for your patience during the time between updates. You guys are fantastic, thank you so much.
          Hopefully I'll have an update on Sebson soon; I'm trying my hardest to make this story as good as I can!
          Amber xx


Hello there lovelies :) 
          I know I haven't been on in a while but don't worry, I'm updating Sebson as we speak! Hopefully the chapter should be up either today or tomorrow. I do warn you though as this chapter does come with a 'Warning' at one part as it may be stressful for some people to read. 
          Hope you're all doing well :)
          Amber xx


Hey there everyone,
          I thought it best to explain why I haven't been updating as regularly as I used to. The past 3 weeks for me haven't been so good, for too many reasons for me to explain in 2000 characters. One of those reasons being that things which interested me (like writing) haven't made me happy. So I went to see a doctor today and I've been diagnosed with depression. I just wanted to let you know in case I don't update until after Christmas so no one thinks I've abandoned my work (which I'll NEVER do!!). 
          Anyway, if I don't update before Christmas, I hope you all have a great Christmas :)
          Amber xx