Why an Otter? My love likes Otters.

I'm not new here. I've been around for a while, I know this place and the people in it like the back of my hand. My sexy, sexy hand.

- Bookworm
- Self inflicted intolerance to light
- Lover of dark spaces and solitude
- Unbelievably hilarious, wicked sense of humor
- Cynical, plotting, deceptive, intelligent, resourceful, devilishly good looking with a tendency to just not give a shit.
- I sell darkness on street corners. Many shades. Many taste sensations. Available on Mondays, Wednesdays and alternating Fridays. Satanic Sundays is when the real good shit comes out so be vigilant.
- I'm the person your parents warned you about, though what they may not have told you is that people like me have our own demons to feed. At the expense of others. You wouldn't believe how insatiable they are.

Establish contact at your own risk. You've been warned. If you displease me, you'll know.

BG : My babes. Salazar and Balthazar.
  • Not Found
  • JoinedNovember 10, 2013
