
Poetry is life, written the way one sees it and lives it. Every experience is a word that begins a poem that speaks the length of a novel. 'Shadows Of MY Heart' takes the noticeable, everyday occurrences to explain the deeper ones that go unnoticed, the ones of which you ponder on in the dead of night.  Each poem challenges you to read, live the stories and search the shadows that each word casts upon your heart.  Instead of feeling as isolated and confused as one who has merely eavesdropped on an inside joke, these poems open you to a world that is very real and one that is equally relatable.
          	Take a look and do give me some honest feedback.


Poetry is life, written the way one sees it and lives it. Every experience is a word that begins a poem that speaks the length of a novel. 'Shadows Of MY Heart' takes the noticeable, everyday occurrences to explain the deeper ones that go unnoticed, the ones of which you ponder on in the dead of night.  Each poem challenges you to read, live the stories and search the shadows that each word casts upon your heart.  Instead of feeling as isolated and confused as one who has merely eavesdropped on an inside joke, these poems open you to a world that is very real and one that is equally relatable.
          Take a look and do give me some honest feedback.


Am I the only one missing the old logo? I know...maybe I'm one of those people that don't like changes but old logo you will always hold a special place in my heart.


@Nephthys19 it doesn't give me that all inclusive vibe. Ah well it's not too bad.


@AngelicaJordan101 Nah, it was love at first sight when I saw the new logo (and theme). I think it has more character to it. 


Ok seriously I'm tired of these fake comments about winning stuff, Wattpad what is going on?


@embracetheweird  but why is it happening?


@AngelicaJordan101 I thought I was the only one! They're irritating asf. 


Hello! Woke up this morning to a pleasant notification. Thank you for taking the time to read my story and voting ! It doesn't happen often so thank you so much. I also look to be on pleasant company in your reading list ;) 
          M.   a canadian friend 


The highest form of compliment is interrupting school work ! I do feel a little sorry. Studying anything exciting ? 


@WeCatchKisses  you're welcome. Was reading your story really late and ended up reading more than studying. The story is interesting.


i just wanted to thank you so much for completing my book. it was such an honor to see you go through it in its entirety <3 


oh sure :) i'm so glad you enjoyed it! 


@artskayyyy you are welcome. Thank you for keeping it interesting, realistic and different. They get married, then have a baby. In that order. :)