
Wait, what?? I managed to get a new chapter of All That Remains published! Woohoo, lol.


I just wanted to drop a quick note and let you all know that I am indeed still alive and I haven't dropped off the face of the earth. I am presently reading through my open stories to see what speaks to me first. Thank you so much to those of you who have held on and waited for my return. It means a lot, truly.


@ Anglophile1971  i love your storys and cant wait for more updates


@Anglophile1971 Can't wait to see what you draft


I just wanted to let everyone know that I haven't forgotten about you. My mother in law died in September and we are all still recovering. My plan is to get back to writing after Christmas because honestly it's going to take everything I have to make it through the holiday without mom. I promise that I'll be back soon and thank you for understanding...


@Anglophile1971 Take your time, hun. We'll be here when you're ready. I'll be thinking of you and your family this holiday season. Sending g lots of love your way. ❤️❤️


@Anglophile1971 sending my condolences. I too am in a similar situation except it was my grams whom I was extremely close with :( just take care of yourself and when you feel like writing then write, but don't push yourself hun


@Anglophile1971 sorry for your loss. Sending much love. Christmas is always hard when you've lost loved brother is currently on life support in ICU  so I feel your pain xx


Hi, I’m trying to find a story about Marcus Alvarez. It was about a girl who worked in a convenience store and heard 3 men talking about killing Marcus on the road, so she went to Jax Teller to see if he had his number. She was also shy and I believe Jax called her ghost in high school. Have you heard of it?


@Alexzundrea I think that was a story by OnceQwerty.