I can resist everything except temptations.

Hi everyone, I'm Anita and I've recently turned nineteen. English is not my first language so if I write something that doesn't make sense please do tell me.

There are lots of things that I enjoy to do but the one thing that I like the most is reading. I love every genre, except from horror because I easily get scared and I just don't find it appealing.

My favorite actor is Jensen Ackles, I mean who doesn't love him? He's so gorgeous and handsome. I love watching Supernatural so whoever wants to chit chat about that is gladly welcomed.

I am a huge fan of the Harry Potter saga, not as much as my older sister though, she had learned all the movies by heart.

Anyway recently I have been obsessed with one direction so probably I will publish more story about them. About Harry Style if I have to be honest, his voice just sends me on cloud nine.

I love food, especially Italian.

I usually don't wear my heart upon my sleeves and so writing is my only way to convey emotion.

If you want me to read your story you can ask me and will gladly do that. I think in this way I can make new friends.

Love you all ♡

Twitter: @Anita__Oneill
  • IrelandCo. Kerry
  • JoinedJune 14, 2016

Story by Anita_Oneill
Emma is a sixteen years old Italian student. When she left for the United States of America she didn't think...
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