
        I am deceased, I am unwell, I am in love, I am obsessed: 
          	I adore artists so much. SHE ♥️ >>>>> your favs


@AnnaFeodorovna OH MY, THAT'S STUNNING!!!


           Discutam cu mama despre câteva emotional plot points legate de volumul 2, and she literally went: Totul s-ar rezolva dacă toți trei ar deveni haremul lui Rosalind și ar învăța să împartă! 
                     My mom said: Rosalind should have her own harem/polycule/fourthsome and that's very real of her methinks zdxgjkz


@SebasChanUwU Exactly like, the more the better :>
            @pufoasa2002 Pleaseee why is this so true dxzjvg. Deja au personalitate trasă la indigo în 99% dintre cazuri, what's even the point of it?


@ AnnaFeodorovna  Ce frumos s-ar rezolva asa mai toate filmele in care "triunghiul" amoros sunt doi tipi aproape la fel care se tin dupa aceiasi fata


@ AnnaFeodorovna  și eu am ales 3some-ul când nu știam cum să descâlcesc triunghiul amoros. Everyone is happy


27 May 1541 - the execution of Margaret Pole 
                  Margaret was the eldest child of George, duke of Clarence and Isabel Neville. Both of her parents died when she was very young, and Margaret was cared for by her uncles: first Edward IV, then Richard III. 
                  Margaret was very close to her cousin, Elizabeth of York, and when she became queen she took her into her household as her lady. In 1499, Margaret's brother Edward was executed by Henry VII as a result of Warbeck's Rebellion. 
                 Margaret was never in favour with Henry VII, and when her cousin the queen died Margaret left the court, living in obscurity until Henry VIII ascended the throne. 
                  In the beginning Henry completely adored Margaret, as he adored all of his mother's relatives. She became a devoted lady in waiting to Katherine of Aragon, and Henry restored her the Earldom of Salisbury, making her a female peer in her own right. She was appointed governess to princess Mary in 1520. 
                  In 1539 Margaret was arrested and condemned to death at the king's will. She was kept in the Tower for two years and a half before her execution. 
                  One account, likely inaccurate, says that Margaret refused to put her head on the block, and the executioner had to butcher her. Chapuys recorded that the executioner "hacked her head and shoulders to pieces in the most pitiful manner". 
                  The following poem was found carved on the wall of her cell: 
          For traitors on the block should die;
          I am no traitor, no, not I!
          My faithfulness stands fast and so,
          Towards the block I shall not go!
          Nor make one step, as you shall see;
          Christ in Thy Mercy, save Thou me! 
          She makes me so :((


26 May 1465 - the coronation of Elizabeth Woodville 
                  Arrangements for Elizabeth’s coronation began soon after the Christmas festivities. In January the King sent envoys to the Duke of Burgundy, inviting him to send an appropriate delegation (particularly his wife’s uncle, Jacques de Luxembourg, Seigneur de Richebourg) to represent him at the ceremony. In April Edward wrote to the Mayor of London that “we have certainly appointed and concluded the coronation of our most dear and most entirely beloved wife the Queen to be in our palace at Westminster” and that the city should prepare to receive her in an appropriate manner. 
                  On the morning of 26, Elizabeth (already pregnant with her first daughter) was escorted by the new knights of Bath and carried in a litter to Westminster. She was led into Westminster Hall by the Bishops of Durham and Salisbury, “clothed in mantel of purple and a coronal upon her head” beneath a purple silk canopy carried by four barons of the Cinque Ports. She carried the scepter of St.Edward in her left hand and the scepter of the realm in her right. 
                  The dowager duchess of Buckingham bore Elizabeth’s train, following were her mother Jacquetta and two of Edward’s sisters, Elizabeth and Margaret, their way being cleared by George, duke of Clarence, Lord High Steward. Elizabeth knelt at the high altar, then prostrated herself while the archbishop prayed. 
                  Rising, she was anointed and crowned, then led to the throne. Afterwards the queen was led to her chamber, where she was dressed in purple surcoat and brought into the Hall to dine. Each time the queen took a bite, she herself removed her crown, putting it back when she was finished. 
          Because her Ricardian haters are getting way too bold <3 
          And in November I'll post about her daughter's coronation, which was far grander and surpassed those of her father, mother, uncle and husband ♥️


this message may be offensive
          Nu pot să spun că eram prea entuziasmată de noul sezon Hotd, dar după ce am văzut o nouă scenă în care Daemon o abuzează domestic pe Rhaenyra... Yeah, I'm completely done with this shit show. 
                   Let me point out that: Rhaenyra and Daemon are not real people. They are fictional characters. But your audience, the women who watch, are very much real people. The loser ass writers that keep including domestic violence where there wasn't any in canon are real people. And it says very much about their views on women. 
                    And before you say "Omg relax Anna, it's only a show" - yeah, not really, no: 
                   "The process by which social phenomena becomes instilled as facts is heavily influenced by popular culture and media; this process is known as social constructivism. [...] 
                    Furthermore, Banerjee et al. (2019) reported that there is a strong relationship between observing acts of domestic violence through visual media sources, its impact on the victim, and resulting attitudes and believes."
           - Adrienne S. Renwick & Cass Dykeman, "The Portrayal of Domestic Violence in Movies: A Corpus-Based Study" 
                   Ryan Condal and Sara Hess have very serious issues regarding their views on women. They should seek actual help because their fetish with portraying women as constantly abused is not normal.


@SebasChanUwU All of this! I agree with everything you said! Mai adaug că: 1) cred că prin asta the writers urmăresc să o pedepsească pe Rhaenyra fiindcă ea l-a ales pe Daemon (lucru care într-o societate medievală se întâmplă extrem de rar), așa că urmează ruta "See what happens to StUpiD women that don't marry for DuTy and follow their hearts - they get beaten by their husbands!" (which is absolutely disgusting); 2) vor să arate că Rhaenyra nu e potrivită să conducă "since she can't even control her own husband wah"; 3) e parte din tâmpenia lor de "acShUaLLy both sides are bad and you shouldn't root for Rhaenyra" mindset, care a distrus toată esența Dansului - bazat în întregime pe misoginism. 4) Violence against women as torture porn. E... tragic din toate punctele de vedere.


@ AnnaFeodorovna  Personajul Alicent hrănește fantezia masculilor care iubesc conceptul de femeie supusă tuturor bărbaților din viața ei (tatăl care o manipulează, soțul de care are grijă și căruia îi este loială, proprii ei fii, Aemond calls her, his own mother that clearly loves him, a "fool"). M-am plictisit să tot văd cât de victimă este ea, cum Rhenyra este redusă la statutul de "brat" care nu-și execută datoria. Să nu mai aduc în discuție cât de clar este favoritismul față de Greens, doar prin vestimentația lui Alicent în comparație cu cea a Rhaenyrei, care este descrisă ca fiind un fashion icon. And the domestical abuse between Daemon and Rhaenyra it's another proof that they just love women beeing abused.


@SebasChanUwU I have no hope for the trio. Just watch them make Aegon and Visenya abuse Rhaenys, or Visenya and Rhaenys fight for Aegon's love. Pe Rhaenyra au distrus-o atât de mult încât e doar un OC cu numele din carte, nici pe departe personajul din canon. Optica situației e oricum oribilă: ai un bărbat, partenerul ei intim, care o ucide pe Dany cu sânge rege, iar acum ai un alt partener al unei femei Targaryen (care va fi de asemenea executată de propriul ei frate) care o abuzează domestic. E clar că scriitori show-ului urăsc femeile Targaryen și adoră femei fără pic de personalitate/relevanță precum Sansa și Alicent. It's a pattern atp.


Buna! Vei scoate volumul 2 din Trandafirul Stacojiu? Esti singurul motiv pentru care tot revin pe wattpad la ceva timp. E una din cartile mele preferate.
          Also, bafta cu sesiunea si examenul scris de licienta!❤️


@daeriaa Bună! Da, anul acesta va apărea și volumul 2! Mulțumesc tare, tare mult! ♥️


        Lucrarea e gata, mai avem sesiunea și examenul scris de licență! Will I finish this degree or will this degree finish me? Stay tuned to find out! :3


@ReynaBennett Mulțumesc mult! ♥️
            @alexiadauphin Fingers crossed to be so! Mulțumesc așa mult! ♥️ Mult succes și ție! <3


@AnnaFeodorovna ohh I know it's gonna be a happy ending story ;) Multă baftă! <3  


         There is always a discussion on which actress should play Elizabeth of York, who has her vibe the most, who looks like her the most — and I need everyone to know that Hannah Dodd is RIGHT THERE! 
          Like HELLO??? 
          We have found the perfect Elizabeth of York everyone can go home now. ♥️


@alexiadauphin She is! ♥️ Also, don't get me wrong, both Freya and Jodie looked a lot like different portraits of her, but Freya's was too naïve, while Jodie's was far too harsh and lacked Elizabeth's warmth. Her incredible charisma is historically documented and I think Hannah could pull this off - "On a personal level, she possessed an extraordinary allure, she was vibrant and lively, with the ability to make herself very easy to love and to light up a room." <3


@AnnaFeodorovna oh yes, she's such a sensible actress ❤️


            Tocmai i-am trimis licența profesorului coordonator (care se întâmplă să fie chiar decanul because I'm hilarious like that), so everyone send me your thoughts and prayers. :')


@AndreeaIbui22, @MolaAila, @pufoasa2002, @vladlaura8, @iris2122, @alexiadauphin Mulțumesc așa mult tuturor! ♥️ All worked out very well! ♡


@AnnaFeodorovna everything you do you do with such love, passion and dedication! I'm sure everything will work out the way you've pictured it. Fingers crossed ❤️


@ AnnaFeodorovna  Succes!!