
Huh, 500 followers... wait, 500!?
          	You'll have to forgive me for using the announce feature, it's not normally something I like doing but I think this is a rather special occasion, so please excuse me for doing it this once
          	I have no idea how or why my writing has managed to reach 500 of you, technically more as there will be those who haven't followed me, but that alone just makes this even more incredible. I say in most comments and in most intros that I am constantly blown away by the love my writing is shown. This story, this world, and everything about all of this has meant so much to me for so long. And that fact that you're all willing to dedicate your time and eyes to reading this work for me is the greatest gift I could have ever asked for. You use your precious time to enjoy my work, vote, comment, or simply just come along for the ride, and that is the greatest gift.
          	Seeing that number say 500 is surreal, this time last year I was proudly proclaiming that I had just over 100 of you. In February I hit 200. And now, 9 months later, here we are. I've had rank 1 awards on 6 different categories, including readerinsert over on Philosopher's  stone. And even a number 1 rating over on Chamber. With the other 3 consistently sitting in top 10s. This is all amazing. You're all amazing! And I hope you'll finish this journey with me. I've rarely ever broken my schedule and I don't intend to start now. This story will finish, and thank you for coming along with me.
          	I love you all, hope you all have a great day, and sorry for the long read. But you know how I do things :P


@ArcanicScrolls little late but congrats


@ArcanicScrolls Congratulations on this great milestone! It's definitely well-earned. Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful story with us all!


@Yuatja222 eh, figured it might happen. I dare say it'll go back up. Still around that point 


Your writing has really impressed me. Your work shows a level of consistency and thought that I've only seen of two other fics on wattpad. Both of those and this series have honestly been some of the best stuff I've read. Real great work.


Hope your having a good day because you're an amazing and wonderful person 


@Carl867 Go for it! My response may not come today but it will tomorrow, I promise


@ArcanicScrolls would you mind if I sent you a private message?


@Carl867 depends, but you're welcome to ask for advice 


Love your story, wanted to ask if it was ok if I used some parts of it as inspiration for the fanfic that I am writing, also wondered if you have simple tips for beginners.
          Hope you have an amazing day.


@ArcanicScrolls Thank you for the tips, I'm completely new to writing anything unless it is for an assignment in class, so any tips are great tips.


@Wolfy0604 Hi! So in terms of the first part absolutely. Inspiration go wild, if you want to take any ideas or characters etc. I only ask that you credit me as where they came from!
            In terms of beginner tips, some of my main ones would be
            - stick to your plan, you'll get lots of comments from people asking new ideas or characters to be introduced, its a really easy way to overwhelm yourself. Get your foundation going, then build up
            - Come into writing with a long term plan. It's easy to get caught up on how you're going to write one scene or book and then lose track of all other parts and struggle with those. You need a long term plan if you expect the story to last
            - and lastly write how you want. Dont try and match someone else's style or story because you're less likely to stand out that way, do something different, even if only slightly different. If you make drastic changes, again, it's easy to lose control of things
            Hope those all help! They're kind of generic but they're the best I could think of


You are an amazing writer since the first word I've been captured by the story it puts a new spin on the Harry Potter universe that I have been in love with since I was a kid you make me want to never stop reading so you keep on going  and don't let anyone stop you


@AaronDeloach7 Thank you very much, I really appreciate it. I adore writing these books for you all and love hearing that I cam reignite sparks and stuff for you so thank you for being here and giving me your time ❤️


If wish if you do two chapters every Friday. Just asking that all.


@Danielrubio19 Hi, wish I could but that's just not sustainable for me. I would burn out with how long my chapters are, and my proof reader and I already let enough mistakes through doing one a week. This is meant to be a hobby, not a job. Uploading more than I am now would make it a job for me.


I've absolutely loved your HP series so far and will most likely continue to love it, but it is now more than halfway done if you go by number of books of source material, and I was just wondering if you have something planned for the future and if you are willing to share what that would be. I really enjoy your current series and think it would be a shame to lose such a talented author, not trying to force you into writing more or anything. I'm just curious if you have a future planned. Have a great weekend. 
          Love from Sweden


star wars sound cool 


@Wolfy0604 No that's quite alright, it's a fair one to ask and I don't think I've given a concrete answer yet. Unfortunately that isn't ready to change yet.
            Short answer - I have no idea.
            Long answer - I have several other story ideas floating around. Other sets of fanfiction in worlds like Star Wars or one from the Mass Effect game series. Along with some original pieces like one set in a Zombie Apocalypse in a world of my own creation with my own characters etc. The only issue with me is getting something that I know will last. Most of these stories I either struggle to see a long term in or don't know how well they'll translate to paper. Action scenes and the like are hard to write in a way I like to get that effective message or imagery across.
            I would like to keep writing, I really would. But right now I'm not comfortable saying yes I absolutely will continue to because I want what I put out to be at the same level as what I've done so far. I don't want to go into releasing for the sake of releasing.
            Sorry, it's not the best answer, but it's the best I can give right now. I would like to keep writing and if luck is on my side I will. However what or when I cannot say right now. I need to keep testing the waters and find what sticks with me. 
            I appreciate your message and hope you have a good weekend too! Sorry for such a long winded response


Also, sorry if you've already been asked this, and this is a repetitive question.