
Hello everyone, first of I want to thank everyone over the past like one and a half years for reading and commenting on my stories, it means a lot to me, in total I have gotten well over 80K readers across my three stories and everyone means so much to me, that’s why it’s so hard to announce this. I will be leaving Wattpad, I will no longer be publishing to this site I just don’t really feel like it’s the best place for my work. While I will be leaving this platform, you can find me on AO3 here!
  (just search my Wattpad username.) I will not be posting DC related context however, I still love DC Comics with all my heart but I feel like I definitely wrote to much for it and want to move on to some of my other fandoms, manly  I’ll be writing for The Mandela Catalog! I really will miss you all, to some of my returning commenters and the people I’ve been talking with in my private messages you all have been such a joy to talk to and to my silent readers I really appreciate you for reading and liking my stuff’. Goodbye everyone! I hope to see some of you on my AO3 stories and to those who don’t it was so amazing writing for you  


Good luck with your writing and I hope you stay well 


Hello everyone, first of I want to thank everyone over the past like one and a half years for reading and commenting on my stories, it means a lot to me, in total I have gotten well over 80K readers across my three stories and everyone means so much to me, that’s why it’s so hard to announce this. I will be leaving Wattpad, I will no longer be publishing to this site I just don’t really feel like it’s the best place for my work. While I will be leaving this platform, you can find me on AO3 here!
 (just search my Wattpad username.) I will not be posting DC related context however, I still love DC Comics with all my heart but I feel like I definitely wrote to much for it and want to move on to some of my other fandoms, manly  I’ll be writing for The Mandela Catalog! I really will miss you all, to some of my returning commenters and the people I’ve been talking with in my private messages you all have been such a joy to talk to and to my silent readers I really appreciate you for reading and liking my stuff’. Goodbye everyone! I hope to see some of you on my AO3 stories and to those who don’t it was so amazing writing for you  


Good luck with your writing and I hope you stay well 


Going to be working on a scarecrow imagine for my Cillian Murphy X Reader imagines over the weekend  I know you guys love him so stay tuned!


I should mention it’s a request so remember to keep requesting things because they will not go ignored If they fit my rules (in the introduction)


I am complete out of ideas for my Cillian Murphy imagines >:| the problem is a have quite a few for some DC characters like Riddler and Vigilante and I am unsure if I want to uncomplete the DC imagines or just make a new imagine book for them all together. Does anyone have any suggestions? Should I keep up with the Cillian imagines or add to my current DC book (or make a new DC book)?


Sorry for the inactivity :( but I am working on a new Cillian imagine so stay tuned for that! I’ve also been fighting the urge to reopen the DC imagines again to post a Vigilante imagine buttttttt I will reframe…for now. 


Please tell me I’m not the only one obsessing over Vigilante from the Peacemaker series. Episode seven has me in tears 


I’m so worried for upcoming episodes I don’t think I could function if he died 


same! i love him so much, i was so worried in episode 7


Does anyone have any character they would like me to write for for my Cillian Murphy Character Imagines?! I could use some ideas 


@Maria4928392 I was thinking of doing Emmet! He is such an interesting character I am getting so many ideas! 


You could try Thomas Shelby or Emmet from the quiet place 2


@AshToxicity oooo that would be intresting to read


Alright so I published the first imagine for the Cillian Murphy’s Characters Imagines! I hope to write one a week which means updates won’t be to slow but still not to fast! It feels so good to return to writing again! 


I have a cover made up for the imagines for Cillian Murphy’s characters! It took my ages but now it means I can start to draft some ideas! If anyone has any ideas for his characters (other then Thomas Shelby because there are just so much written about him and not the other characters portrayed by him) don’t be afraid so share some! Characters that I plan on doing and will take request for include, Jackson Rippner, Robert Fischer, Kitten, Raymond Leon, (possibly more of) Jonathan Crane, Neil Lewis, and a few others! I will start writing/publishing most likely next week as I am super busy with midterms this week!


Wow, I haven’t been very active , I wish I had something to give to you all but when it comes to DC ideas I don’t have much…I might work on something else though, I don’t think most of my current audience would read it but I was thinking of doing a collection of imagines based on some of Cillian Murphy’s characters like Jackson Rippner, Robert Fischer, Mike Kernan, Kitten, and also “possibly” some more scarecrow imagines, would you guys read it?