
Hey, you still okay, AshWolf? I saw you in a few books with Cartier violent comments and I just wanna be a friend to help if something’s wrong.


@AshWolfRuler also, if you wanna read one of my stories or request one you can! They’re not exactly the best stories but they at least have good-ish grammer!


this message may be offensive
@AshWolfRuler you’re welcome, and I’ll always be a friend to talk to and talk your anger from existence if need be. I find it good to talk out your anger. Also, your sister’s stalker can fuck off and die, irl Yanderes are bad.


@Snake8605 Also, sorry for the late reply, I haven't been on Wattpad in a long while and came back on tonight/this morning because I remembered one of my author friends on here had only been able to contact me through this app, but they shut down the dm function, so I wanted to talk to her again. As I was hopping on, I saw a large number of notifications and looked through them, and found found your comments and message. Thank you again for reaching out and asking about me. I truly do appreciate it. 