
New chapter of Calamity Gene is up!


Where can I go read not tonight evangelie? 


@Bon-Bon94 Thanks for the message. Not Tonight Evangeline has been published under the title Wanting Mr Wrong. There is also a bonus Chapter in a free anthology of short stories called The Day We Met (my story is called When Jack Met Evie) and should be read first! Book 2 in the series (Escaping Mr Right - which is Chloe's story) has also been published.


I'll be back with a new chapter of Calamity Gene within the next week. Thanks everyone for your patience while I worked on a project for one of my publishers. I'm still writing two manuscripts at once so this will be a gradual story, but I'm very much looking forward to getting back to work on it.


Good news and bad news...
          The next chapter is Calamity Gene is up - yay! - that's the good news! 
          Now for the bad: alas, I need to take a break from this story for the next six weeks as I finish another project. Believe me, I regret this - Gene and Trace's story is really hotting up and there is so much great action coming I'm impatient to crack on with it. Please forgive me, and stick with me! I'll be back the moment I can, I promise. 
          **This is also a good time to remind readers that as with all my stories, Calamity Gene is for those aged 18+.It has mature content and coarse language not suitable for younger readers**


I'm happy to announce that a new chapter of Calamity Gene is FINALLY up! My most abject apologies for the delay. It's been quite a year - as I know we all realise. Just a reminder, too, that this is a first draft - I'm researching as I go so it's a bit rough and ready, but by all means wade in and tell me what you're loving/hating. I read every comment and take note of everything you all say.


For everyone reading Calamity Gene - just letting you know that I'll be back to writing it in about two weeks! Thanks for your patience while I've been working on a different project. I'm currently writing two books simultaneously (Calamity Gene is one of them) so it won't be up especially fast but it will definitely be continuing very soon.


Hey,i wanted to read signed,sealed delivered again but i am unable to open any link you have in here..can you tell me where can i read it.


@FarhaSabir Hi there and thanks for getting in touch. Signed, Sealed, Delivered has now been published, so it's no longer on Wattpad. The longer, better version is called Kiss Don't Tell - the first chapter of that IS on Wattpad. Buy link is here if you're interested in purchasing: https://books2read.com/u/meBpKA
            The second book in the series (Sarah's story) is called The Dating Game and has also been published. Again the first chapter is here on Wattpad and the buy link is here: https://books2read.com/u/31rkDM
            I'll be writing the third and final book in the series (Erica's story) some time in 2020, fingers crossed!


Hi there when is the next chapter of Clamity gene going to up? No pressure just asking.


@Ura-92 I'm so sorry to be taking so long to get back to Calamity Gene! I have a project I'm desperately trying to finish and once that's done, I'll be able to concentrate on Gene and on one other story I'm writing. I expect that to be early March but it'll be earlier if I can possibly manage it. I know exactly what's going to happen next for Gene and it is fun, I promise you.


Hello! I was looking for "The contract" online to buy it but I can't find it anywhere... I checked Amazon, Google play, Kindle.. I'm from Italy, do you know why I can't buy it in my country? 


@RozaBooks Thanks so much for those kind words. It means a lot to me that you enjoy my work.


@RozaBooks thank you!!!! Keep up because you're a great author!


@RozaBooks Thanks for getting in touch. A longer (and better edition) of The Contract has been published - but it has a new title: Kiss Don't Tell, which is probably why you're having trouble finding it! Here's a link, but if you have any trouble, please let me know: https://books2read.com/u/meBpKA
            Also, book 2 in that series (Adam's sister Sarah's story) has also been published, and Adam and Lane make an appearance in that book. It's called The Dating Game and this is the link to that one:  https://books2read.com/u/31rkDM