
Ok so about my Alpha and Omega updates. I’m currently way busy with life. Between sickness, spraining my ankle, moving, work, and preparing for working in another country this summer, I barely have time to breath let alone write. If things go like they did last time I worked out of the country I should have time for writing this summer after work, maybe during if I’m lucky. Anyways, please be patient, I will get back to this book as soon as I can.


Bro, I forgot about this story, it’s been forever since I began to read it


@Azazel0886 I know I'm desperate to read a new chapter of this great story, but the first thing is to resolve those issues that you have pending so that you don't get stressed I hope you recover from the leg injury I wish you the best of luck


Ok so about my Alpha and Omega updates. I’m currently way busy with life. Between sickness, spraining my ankle, moving, work, and preparing for working in another country this summer, I barely have time to breath let alone write. If things go like they did last time I worked out of the country I should have time for writing this summer after work, maybe during if I’m lucky. Anyways, please be patient, I will get back to this book as soon as I can.


Bro, I forgot about this story, it’s been forever since I began to read it


@Azazel0886 I know I'm desperate to read a new chapter of this great story, but the first thing is to resolve those issues that you have pending so that you don't get stressed I hope you recover from the leg injury I wish you the best of luck


Thursday, October 31st. The city
          streets are crowded for the holiday
          Even with the rain. Hidden in the chaos
          is the element, waiting to strike like
          snakes. And I'm there too. Watching
          2 years of nights have turned me into
          a nocturnal animal. I must choose my
          targets carefully. It's a big city. I can't
          be everywhere. But they don't know
          where I am. We have a signal now
          for when I'm needed. When that light
          hits the sky, it's not just a call- it's a
          warning. To them.
          Fear is a tool. They think l'm hiding in
          the shadows. But I AM the shadows.


Hello @Azazel0886, I really liked your story and I'm thinking about asking your permission to translate this story into Spanish so that another community can enjoy it as much as I did, of course always mentioning you as the author of the story and giving all the method to you, so I came to ask your permission to do it.
          Sorry if my English is not good by the way


@CarlosTunas87 that’s fine, thank you for asking permission 


By the way, I forgot the most important thing, the story is that of the secret prince.


@Azazel0886 What do you think about writing a tbate reaction later?


@Azazel0886 if you can it would be good
