
I might be writing a Pokemon fanfic soon, guys.
          	Or maybe I'll do an Overwatch X Reader book...


Se que ya no escribes fanfics, pero solo quiero decirte que tu fanfics sobre Starco , me parecieron muy buenos y me ayudaron en ciertos periodos de mi vida mientas lo leía.
          Solo te quería enviar un mensaje para mostrar apreciación por lo que hiciste


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Ben how the fuck did you make these starco stories so good espically the plot damn you satisfied my starco fanfiction for quite a while thank you


@Rainbowsixsiegefan No problem and sorry for the late reply!
            Also I'm really glad that you found my StarCo stories enjoyable! As for the plot, I sort of just came up with it as I went along!


Hi! I was searching for Starco stories and I passed by yours and guess what? ITS SO COOL! Read my books too and follow cuz I really love ur books, I will tag u too for things and stuff, so overall is I SUPER DUPER LOVE UR BOOKS!!!!


Hey! I love your starco storys. I am new on wattpad and i was wondering if you could read my story. It is not finished yet but it is called "this is who we are" it is my only story. If you read it can you give me feed back on it. I dont think its that good


Hey ben how are you? I miss chatting with you


@Ash113101 Yeah, it was fun :)
            See you!


@Ash113101 your welcome,  well I gtg to class in a few it was nice chatting with you again :D 


You're such an amazing author, I really hope I can help you reach you're Wattpad goals.
          PS: I'm Black British too.
          PPS: I really hate British stereotypes what about you??
          Okay, bye now


@ABritishGirlWithSAD Thank you! That means a lot! :)
            And it's good to find another Black British person on Wattpad!
            Also, I don't like British stereotypes either!