
It is with mixed feelings that I announce that I am removing Night Shift from Wattpad.  Due to an upcoming publishing arrangement for this work, I can no longer offer it here.  I hope to share more content here in the future, but until negotiations with my publisher are finalized I will have to take a break from Wattpad.  Good luck and thank you to everybody.  Look for Night Shift to be back soon in another format!


It is with mixed feelings that I announce that I am removing Night Shift from Wattpad.  Due to an upcoming publishing arrangement for this work, I can no longer offer it here.  I hope to share more content here in the future, but until negotiations with my publisher are finalized I will have to take a break from Wattpad.  Good luck and thank you to everybody.  Look for Night Shift to be back soon in another format!


Hey everybody.  Just wanted to give you a heads up that Episode 3 of Night Shift will be delayed.  My new niece was born yesterday so I've been at the hospital!  I should be able to get it out late tonight or tomorrow.  Thanks and stay tuned for more soon!