Well by reading my name only 
you can tell that I'm in love with the fastest man alive also known as The Flash⚡⚡

For the rest of the world Barry Allen is a normal CSI but for me he is everything 🙈🙈

Okk soo sorry for a cheesy intro but mann I'm in love with guy soo much that I'm seriously not being able to get over him 🤤🤤

A girl who ships her man with almost everyone may it be Barry-Iris , Barry-Caitlin , Barry-Patty, Barry-Kara and even Barry- Oliver ❤️❤️

If anyone wants to talk with me anything related to the Flash or Barry Allen or Grant Gustin .... I welcome you guys with open arms 😊😊

And I promise you I'm a really good talker ... So you can talk with me anytime ❤️❤️
  • Star Labs or C.C. Jitters⚡⚡
  • הצטרףJanuary 27, 2021