
Dear friends and followers,
          	My great Uncle and I get on really well. We can have conversations about theories and ideas that no one else would understand. He asked me to create a cover for his book when he could have had a professional do it instead. (I did it with joy.)
          	But he was rushed into hospital over Christmas and was intensive care for weeks. No one was sure what made him so ill, and it shook me quite a bit. (I had seen him not too long ago, and he seemed perfectly healthy then)
          	He was well enough to leave hospital for a few days, which was good, but he was rushed back in again the other day. He is in a ward waiting for a bed in intensive care to be free. 
          	His wife is also not too well herself but I admire her for being able to look after him and contact the family daily with updates. 
          	Tonight we got a message from him (write by his wife) that he may die. He also said that he was not afraid of dying and that if he had done his duty on earth he would be thankful to meet God. 
          	I agree with him, but I am scared that I'll never see him again and that we'll never have our wonderful conversations again. I would miss him terribly. 
          	I have already lost a (adult) church friend to cancer and my other great Uncle (this one's older brother) to cancer as well. 
          	Although I miss them, I did not feel too sad or scared. Hell, I wouldn't feel scared if I was dying myself.  But we really understand each other. So now I am afraid I'll lose him.
          	Please pray, pray that he will be well again. Pray that the doctors understand how to heal him. And pray that both he and his wife (who I also get along with) are blessed with peace and love during such a hard time.
          	Thank you.


He is all better and is now at home recovering. Yes he was really ill for such a long time. He had to be moved into a special hospital, and almost died too many times. I'm so grateful that he's still here today and I'm glad he's safe now. Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers -BE


@BatmanEvolution I hope so too. I think he's received an epidural to help with the pain. (That's the stuff that's given to pregnant women in pain more that usual during labour) I believe that they'll be taking him off it on Monday, but he's also on morphine. (I think, I'm not sure). 


Heyy are your alive????


this message may be offensive
@CleopatraCeleste25 Oh shit, I'm so sorry for not seeing this sooner! :(
            I'm mainly on Instagram now @username_id if you wanna chat :)


Dear friends and followers,
          My great Uncle and I get on really well. We can have conversations about theories and ideas that no one else would understand. He asked me to create a cover for his book when he could have had a professional do it instead. (I did it with joy.)
          But he was rushed into hospital over Christmas and was intensive care for weeks. No one was sure what made him so ill, and it shook me quite a bit. (I had seen him not too long ago, and he seemed perfectly healthy then)
          He was well enough to leave hospital for a few days, which was good, but he was rushed back in again the other day. He is in a ward waiting for a bed in intensive care to be free. 
          His wife is also not too well herself but I admire her for being able to look after him and contact the family daily with updates. 
          Tonight we got a message from him (write by his wife) that he may die. He also said that he was not afraid of dying and that if he had done his duty on earth he would be thankful to meet God. 
          I agree with him, but I am scared that I'll never see him again and that we'll never have our wonderful conversations again. I would miss him terribly. 
          I have already lost a (adult) church friend to cancer and my other great Uncle (this one's older brother) to cancer as well. 
          Although I miss them, I did not feel too sad or scared. Hell, I wouldn't feel scared if I was dying myself.  But we really understand each other. So now I am afraid I'll lose him.
          Please pray, pray that he will be well again. Pray that the doctors understand how to heal him. And pray that both he and his wife (who I also get along with) are blessed with peace and love during such a hard time.
          Thank you.


He is all better and is now at home recovering. Yes he was really ill for such a long time. He had to be moved into a special hospital, and almost died too many times. I'm so grateful that he's still here today and I'm glad he's safe now. Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers -BE


@BatmanEvolution I hope so too. I think he's received an epidural to help with the pain. (That's the stuff that's given to pregnant women in pain more that usual during labour) I believe that they'll be taking him off it on Monday, but he's also on morphine. (I think, I'm not sure). 