
Greetings all, I ain’t dead. 
          	Haven’t really been writing much recently due to university and moving on slightly from my fanfiction days. That’s not to say I won’t randomly drop a fic or update something at some point just don’t expect anything.
          	 Now I know most my followers probably ain’t into this anymore but that’s okay people move on. For those who do still want to read my fics, thank you and here’s a new bit, something I wrote years ago and didn’t post. It doesn’t have the original ending because I never got round to writing it but I like it as it is. So check out the new fic runaway.
          	If you would like to see more stuff I have in the archives let me know.
          	Have a good day everyone and keep life moving on,


@BearWarrior3000 Glad to have you back


Greetings all, I ain’t dead. 
          Haven’t really been writing much recently due to university and moving on slightly from my fanfiction days. That’s not to say I won’t randomly drop a fic or update something at some point just don’t expect anything.
           Now I know most my followers probably ain’t into this anymore but that’s okay people move on. For those who do still want to read my fics, thank you and here’s a new bit, something I wrote years ago and didn’t post. It doesn’t have the original ending because I never got round to writing it but I like it as it is. So check out the new fic runaway.
          If you would like to see more stuff I have in the archives let me know.
          Have a good day everyone and keep life moving on,


@BearWarrior3000 Glad to have you back


Greetings Followers,
          For those who keep wondering about a next update, it will be a while. Because I’m working one something big.
          In the works there’s another pertemis story, currently at 24k words. That will be the next release. I have teased it a few times in comments, but not really explained it so here’s a brief summary:
          It has been 5 years since the war with the Titans, 4 since that of the giants. The world is in a state of relative peace, Percy continues to work with the gods while his Fiancé pursues a career in mortal architecture. What happens when a prophecy requests he aid the great huntress on a mighty hunt? His affections begin to wonder as he struggles to realise what his future holds, and with whom it will be.
          Rated M for mature themes and scenes.


@tanksverymuch I haven’t but now you say it that could be good. Might do something like that after I’ve finished my current stuff. Thanks


@BearWarrior3000 Ever thought of a post-apocalypse story? I've not seen a good one yet. You would probably have the skill


@ BearWarrior3000 when is the next update for an Unusual Proposal 


@Doublekiller167 ok I will not so patiently wait for it good luck


@LightningwaveAR Yeah true. But it’s a long one so will take a while anyway. Don’t worry stuff will come eventually 


@Doublekiller167 well so many people are asking you so maybe think of that as motivation 




@tootyfrooty11222 I am well thank you, and yourself?


how are you today


My story "A Not So Accidental Marriage"
          Is inspired by your work "An Unusual Proposal"


@swordwieldingknight Sorry took like a month to see this, I don’t use my notice board. I’m glad I inspire and I’ll take a look


Greetings followers,
          As many may have realised I don’t post very often, which has two reasons. The main one is I’m lazy. The second is I have started a load of one shots and can never get round to finishing them. So just a heads up theses are some of the things I’m “working” on:
          1) Chat on the moon chariot Chpt 4
          2) Of Blofis’ and Goddesses Chpt 5
          3) Crossover with hunger games Chpt 2
          (4) Haven’t started it but potential for a sequel/continuation of the last one shot is popular 
          One Shots:
          5) President’s daughter Mortal au
          6) Run away (angst)
          7) Something permanent (Tattoo fic)
          8) Venomous poison (angst/fluff fic)
          Theses are the main ones among other things I’ve been starting. Anyone want to see anything in particular leave a comment, though this is NOT a poll by any means.
          Also, in the pipe line a potential Christmas one shot.
          This has been a public service announcement by:


@BearWarrior3000 blofis and goddesses?


@AdilMubaraq That was option 4, haven’t started it but got a plan for when I do get round to it


@BearWarrior3000 what about unusual propose?