
Well hi there. Long time no post everyone. In case you haven't realized already, I am no longer active on this count, and don't plan on being active anymore. This means no updates to any of the stories you see here on my page. However, I still appreciate all the love and support for my super cringey stories I wrote when I was 15!


Well hi there. Long time no post everyone. In case you haven't realized already, I am no longer active on this count, and don't plan on being active anymore. This means no updates to any of the stories you see here on my page. However, I still appreciate all the love and support for my super cringey stories I wrote when I was 15!


Got a new phone, so now I can write stories on the go. There probably will be more updates! I recently got a new job, so I work after school and that's why I don't post as often. It's also nearing the end of the school year, so except updates in the summer!


Your stories are amazing and you seem really nice too


@Connor_is_bae awww thank you so much! i'd like to think i'm really nice, but i mean, i can't judge that really haha