
Shouldn't even be on here right now, but I just don't wanna think about it.
          	She passed. She's no longer with us. And I didn't even get to say goodbye...
          	Rest in peace mom. I love you so much. 
          	Taking a short break to focus on after death arrangements and funeral planning, etc.
          	Probably be back end of May or early June.
          	Take care everyone, thanks for reading.
          	If you have loved ones in your life, hug them, hold them, squeeze them so tight they could burst.


@BiggerthanFiction Sorry for your loss. Strength to your friends and family. We're all here for you.


@BiggerthanFiction Take the time you need. I'm sorry to hear that you weren't there, but you were with her up until then. She knows.


@BiggerthanFiction So sorry for your loss. :( Take all the time you need and my deepest condolences to you and your family.


Shouldn't even be on here right now, but I just don't wanna think about it.
          She passed. She's no longer with us. And I didn't even get to say goodbye...
          Rest in peace mom. I love you so much. 
          Taking a short break to focus on after death arrangements and funeral planning, etc.
          Probably be back end of May or early June.
          Take care everyone, thanks for reading.
          If you have loved ones in your life, hug them, hold them, squeeze them so tight they could burst.


@BiggerthanFiction Sorry for your loss. Strength to your friends and family. We're all here for you.


@BiggerthanFiction Take the time you need. I'm sorry to hear that you weren't there, but you were with her up until then. She knows.


@BiggerthanFiction So sorry for your loss. :( Take all the time you need and my deepest condolences to you and your family.


The poll finished, and my next writing project on Wattpad will be OCCULT THIS.
          A YA/Paranormal thrill ride with a surprise hint of romance.
          Plotted an outline of each chapter, have written a prologue and first chapter, but won't be posting the story until I'm half-done the entire book (end of May I should be halfway done).
          Marilyn's (near) non-existent social life goes up in smoke when she accidentally live-streams a satanic ritual to the entire school.
          Mortified, and at the mercy of her high school peers, things take a surprising turn when she finds herself constantly at the center of strange occurrences.
          She shrugs them off as coincidences, but that doesn't stop the rest of the school from believing her to be a real witch. 
          However, she can't enjoy this new found attention for long when an actual witches coven comes calling, inviting her to help summon a demon.
          And from there things go from weird to supernatural.
          I'm leaving out some twists too good to let slip just yet.
          That's all for now, and I hope you keep an eye out for OCCULT THIS.
          Thanks for reading.


          Thank *moooo* for following me :] 


@ISmokeAndMirrorsI ohhh snap. Very clever. I'm impressed.


@ISmokeAndMirrorsI Been thinking of a reply for this...and after moooling over it, I came up with this.
            You're dairy welcome.


Thank you sooo much for the follow. It means so much. Xx


Ten thousand reads? That's quite the accomplishment! Kudos to you my fellow wattpadder. :) I don't have time to read anything right now as my personal life is quite chaotic. However, I wish you all the best. And I will keep an eye out for your work in the future. :) xx


@TiraBurgess Aww, you're welcome. I hope you try reading my story "StarFall" sometime. It's just past 10,000 reads and I'm trying to reach 20,000 next!
            Have a beautiful weekend!


StarFall (book 1) is completed! Set to completed and ready for you all to dive in and devour! The end is emotional, so, prepared for that! It also sets up the sequel, StarRise, which I have plotted out but won't begin working on an devoting time to unless StarFall reaches at least 50,000 reads.
          So, better get reading! ;)
          Spread the word as much as possible. 
          I'll be focusing on another story soon, one I've posted before, but until I've finished more of it I won't say which story it is!
          Open to critiquing stories, or R4R if anyone is interested and actually believes I'd enjoy their story. Don't be shy!
          Thank you for reading this, I hope you have a great weekend!
          Guess what?
          You're amazing!