
The first chapter to the third book in my series "Jay's Girl" is finally out! Enjoy! 


@BlueLionKitty ahhhh!!!! And just when I was deciding to sleep to  (it's currently 3:25 am lol)


The emotional damage  Hey so I just read both parts of you're Jason todd fic and WOW!! I'm way to invested, I was just wondering if there would ever be a book 3 in the future   I really really enjoyed it one of the best fic's I've read on here. 
          Lots of love for your fic's a loyal reader.
          Cried through most of book two btw 


@HoneyBunsonplate69 thank you so much, you have no idea how much those words mean to me♥️


@BlueLionKitty awe! I really wish you a speedy recovery   don't feel pressured to write. COVID sucks  take your time try to get some rest! I'm always hear if you need to vent! You don't have to at all I just want to let you know your not alone and your loved! ❤️


@HoneyBunsonplate69 this message is the highlight of my week, I have had the worst week especially today finding out I have covid. Thank you so much for your kind words and I hope to write some more on the opening chapter for the third book while resting over the next few days♥️


Hi guys! Author-chan here! So I just made an over seas move to Japan. I am currently in small apartment with my family until we get our house (very squishy for a seven person family) , plus I'm VERY behind in my school work. Plus, with everything being so new, its made my anxiety and depression act up. All this to say, these things have made things very difficult to write at the moment. Please don't leave because I haven't posted any chapters for any of my books. I promise I'll get some chapters done soon, just please give me some grace
          Love you my readers
          Love, Author-chan


Hi peeps! so....lock down has got me depressed, like everyone else in this whole pandemic. But even writing isn't helping or as enjoyable, so, for now, updates on any of my books will not be non-existent just very, VERY slow. I am very sorry and I hope I can get back into the swing of things soon.
          ps. If anyone needs a friend or just to talk, I'm here. I'm a great listener and I keep things private 
          Hope everyone is healthy and happy
          Love Author-chan