
It’s been 5 years since I first started the Pokemon Memes book. 5 years, many panic attacks, and several sub-optimal grades later, I’m back…but I’m still probably not gonna be active for a bit bc my senior year of high school starts in less than a week.


It’s been 5 years since I first started the Pokemon Memes book. 5 years, many panic attacks, and several sub-optimal grades later, I’m back…but I’m still probably not gonna be active for a bit bc my senior year of high school starts in less than a week.


I just had a massive epiphany...
          I know I said that I’d be active more these days, and that I’d post more things instead of just my existing stories (well, none of them are truly “stories,” but you know what I mean), but it turns out those were just FALSEHOODS...
          I was playing Minecraft earlier and reminiscing about the past (as usual), and I was thinking about how I was building my house on 1-meter thick walls (well, duh), right? So another memory started stirring in my mind at the mention of “1-meter thick walls.” 
          For those of you who remember the “Five Nights at Minecraft” series I did back in my earlier days of Wattpad (from something like January of 2016 to whenever I deleted them because they were, what’s the right word for it? Eh, whatever, y’know?), that’s what I was apparently thinking about, and so I had a thought...
          “What if I re-did the series, now with more content and less...stupidity? What if I tried to make them better than they were?”
          Any thoughts or comments, please let me know, and I’ll hopefully reply as soon as I can!


 Libery Prime is online. All systems nominal. Weapons hot. Mission: the destruction of any and all Chinese communists. 
          Voice module online. Audio functionality
          test initialized. Designation: Liberty Prime. Mission: the liberation of Anchorage, Alaska. Obstruction detected, composition: titanium alloy supplemented by photonic resonance barrier. Probablity of mission hindrance: zero percent! 
          Chairman Cheng will fail: China will fail!
          Revised strategem: initiate photonic resonance overcharge.
          Communisim is the very definition of failure!Communist engaged!
          Communisim is the temporary setback on the road to freedom!
          Communism is a lie!
          Communist target acquired.
          Communists detected on American soil. Lethal force engaged! 
          Democracy is non-negotiable.
          Freedom is the sovereign right of every American.
          Embrace democracy, or you will be eradicated.


Hey, it’s Ethan (yes, that’s my real name). I’m sorry for those of you who may be disappointed that I haven’t been on here in quite a while. I’ve been going through several losses of numerous things, and some changes to my daily life that I needed to get used to. Hint: I’ve been depressed for the past 6 months. But, on the bright side, I will be posting more parts to several books that I haven’t touched in months. Thanks, and bye for now, 