
"Furlock... I suppose I should call him Saffron if that's his real name... brought the flier to me. He also spent an afternoon using sticks to spell out the words 'IVELLE IS EVIL' on my carpet. I had an inkling, when I saw his message, that he might not be a normal dog."
          	The next chapter of How To Poison Your Husband is here! I renumbered all my chapters, so Step 7a is indeed the newest one. 


"Furlock... I suppose I should call him Saffron if that's his real name... brought the flier to me. He also spent an afternoon using sticks to spell out the words 'IVELLE IS EVIL' on my carpet. I had an inkling, when I saw his message, that he might not be a normal dog."
          The next chapter of How To Poison Your Husband is here! I renumbered all my chapters, so Step 7a is indeed the newest one. 


There was no place in his life for her. And even if there had been, once she fulfilled her mission and made Eirifold and Lillian fall in love, she would be gone, like snow in the springtime, never to be seen again.
          This announcement is a little bit late, but the next chapter of How to Poison Your Husband is up! Read it here:
          Also, don't be put off by the fact that I'm soon going to be renumbering my chapters. There's just no good way to squeeze all of the drama of this story into 12 easy steps so I had to get inventive XD


@CMF_Wright I think it's very creative how you've organized your chapters tbh!


"Did anyone ever tell you"--Eirifold's lips curved in a mischievous smile--"that  the best-kept promises are ones that are sealed with a kiss?"
          The next chapter of How to Poison Your Husband is up! Read it here:

          As you can probably tell, I decided not to submit this story to Open Novella Contest Round 3. I liked these characters too much to part with them after 40k words, so I'm letting the story come to its own conclusion naturally. We'll see how many words it ends up being... I'm going to guess around 50-70K.