
Can any of my readers please give me some feedback on a new story I am writing please? I am sorry for those of you who enjoyed my alpha book but no matter hpw hard I tried I couldn't get into it. But if it's  excitement, millionaires, Victorian romances and immortality your interested in please give it a go!


Can any of my readers please give me some feedback on a new story I am writing please? I am sorry for those of you who enjoyed my alpha book but no matter hpw hard I tried I couldn't get into it. But if it's  excitement, millionaires, Victorian romances and immortality your interested in please give it a go!


THE BOOK IS FINALLY DONE. Admittedly it needs a lot of editing but that's not the point! I shall be writing  teen fiction romance book next but not for a while! THANK YOU FOR EVERYONE WHO HAS BEEN PATIENT WITH ME AND I HOPE YOU ENJOY IT! 


Hey I AM SO SO SO SO SORRY I HAVEN'T UPDATED IN LIKE MONTHS. I have had no idea what to write and I just lost all hope in the book but after a serious discussion with a few close friends and family I HAVE IDEAS now it's a case of re writing them though I have forgotten what I wrote so I shall be reading my own story to remember hahahaha I love you all I WILL UPLOAD ASAP