
Sorry I'm taking so long, Quarantine is seriously killing my vibes. I'll give y'all a Few Fun Facts and you get to debate which ones will be real or not. 
          	1) Shiozaki commits a crime
          	2) Shigaraki kills Midoriya, but not with Decay
          	3) Toga starts a cult
          	4) MonoDeku is endgame
          	5) Yoarashi's replacement in Shiketsu is a JoJo character
          	6) Melissa is All Might's secret love child
          	Have a good night :)


@ChrysanthosAO3 clearly 5 is real


          	  I bet 1 2 and 3 are correct and 6 is something Todoroki comes up with. Also, Hooray! Your alive! Welcome back!


Sorry I'm taking so long, Quarantine is seriously killing my vibes. I'll give y'all a Few Fun Facts and you get to debate which ones will be real or not. 
          1) Shiozaki commits a crime
          2) Shigaraki kills Midoriya, but not with Decay
          3) Toga starts a cult
          4) MonoDeku is endgame
          5) Yoarashi's replacement in Shiketsu is a JoJo character
          6) Melissa is All Might's secret love child
          Have a good night :)


@ChrysanthosAO3 clearly 5 is real


            I bet 1 2 and 3 are correct and 6 is something Todoroki comes up with. Also, Hooray! Your alive! Welcome back!


I found your book, Nutricula, through a copier that gave told people that it was just a repost from your AO3, probably from before you transferred the story, and it is one of the top 10 best stories I have ever read in my 3 years (I think) of being on wattpad, I give you the utmost respect from a succy gamer (me) and the most props ever, keep up the amazing work, and maybe, just maybe, you could make your own original story(As in, not a fanfiction) and have it published. You are just that good.


@ _Developing-arc_   "small break"...


@hiba_moktar123 Thank you for asking!! Nutricula is the scientific genus for the so-called "Immortal Jellyfish"! This jellyfish has a very unique ability: the adults, in order to heal themselves (either from damage or old age), will revert back to their polyp (baby) phase, allowing them to live potentially indefinitely! Unlike the quirk in the story, Turritopsis (taken from the scientific name, N. turritopsis), the actual jellyfish can be killed through outside means, like being eaten.
          As for the actual chapter titles, most of them are jellyfish! Some have specific species that fit the chapter, some are just random species, and a few chapter titles aren't jellyfish at all, but a different sea animal entirely! ;)
          I'm so glad you like the story, and I'm so thrilled you asked this question!!! I'm taking a small break for now, but I'm itching to get back to the next chapter!! ...Once I figure out a certain scene order. 


Hey!! I came here from AO3!! I just wanted to say that I love your stories, and I hope you get accustomed to Wattpad soon <3


@Bisccute Thank you!! I think I have a bit of a handle on things, although there may be things I still have yet to figure out! I'm so glad you enjoy my writing!!! ^^