
this message may be offensive
It feels like just a month ago, I was still a kid in high school, and now like, I'm an adult with a job and that shit crazy bruh.


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When your brain is like, oh, you need to be up at a certain time for work? No, fuck you, you're gonna be up earlier than that. Oh, and to make matters worse you definitely had a hard time falling asleep, and on top of that, you definitely woke up in the middle of the night multiple times so you end up getting definitely not enough sleep to be able to be a fully functioning human being at work. GREAT. :)


I swear. Its like my mom thinks just because she chose to be a mom, that everyone should be one. Stfu. It's my choice. Thanks. 


And has actually said that I will change my mind. No, I won't. I've been pretty stuck on not having kids since I was one. Not your place to tell me I'll change my mind. How about, respect my decision. 


Deadass, I don't want kids, and she just like, acts like I'll change my mind someday. 


Something from my dream I thought I would share. "A read something once. There is a thirty percent chance things will get better. And a chance that they won't. I don't like this statistic. Because considering how beautiful and kind the world can be, I think its much higher. Because someday, somehow, things can and will get better."