
Y'all might be getting the final chapter of MLS 2 sooner than expected (⁠´⁠⊙⁠ω⁠⊙⁠`⁠)


@CreatureChanLixQueen Omg omg 0.0 When the chapter(s) drop, I need to get myself some popcorns òwó




Okay, it might turn into final chapters if I end up wanting to split this final battle into two chapters. These final chapters will focus more on action than anything else 


Y'all might be getting the final chapter of MLS 2 sooner than expected (⁠´⁠⊙⁠ω⁠⊙⁠`⁠)


@CreatureChanLixQueen Omg omg 0.0 When the chapter(s) drop, I need to get myself some popcorns òwó




Okay, it might turn into final chapters if I end up wanting to split this final battle into two chapters. These final chapters will focus more on action than anything else 


Oh, right, completely forgot to tell y'all I'm doing makeup for a TV show in the near future, whoops XD


@OmituinenOtus if it ends up on a streaming service you might be able to. Idk, it really depends. Idk how that stuff works XD


That so amazing!! :0 I hope we who don't live in Australia get to see it too. I really wanna watch it knowing my favorite author worked on it. :3 Good luck and I hope you have fun!! ❤


@ CreatureChanLixQueen  that sounds so cool omg
            I hope you have a lot of fun <3


At this point, y'all might not see anything from me until later in the year tbh. I have a lot going on already this year, and my dad's arthritis is starting to get worse (he's got it in his neck now :/). Idk if I've actually spoken about this before, but I'm actually my dad's carer, so when he goes to hospital, I look after the house. It's a lonely thing, especially within the last 2-3 years because I'm doing it on my own while also keeping up with whatever else I want to do in life.
          I'm gonna be going back and doing the TPP course again (which is basically the equivalent of finishing year 12. I did actually graduate back in 2017 but because it was through an alternative school, I didn't actually get the atar or whatever it's called when you finish grade 12) and maybe possibly thinking about actually studying something in University, not quite sure on that one yet because Uni is ridiculously expensive and I'm a broke bitch most of the time XD
          I'm also doing singing lessons again! So, I am still doing creative stuff, still doing makeup and all that jazz, but between life and that, I don't have much energy for writing. I still have the passion to write, just not much motivation.
          Anywho, that's it from me~ 


@CreatureChanLixQueen I wish all the best for u for everything. ❤ Take your time and come back to writing when you feel like it. We understand and are here when you get back. :3 I can relate to taking care of a loved one. It can be very tiring. I hope you don't burn yourself out. And I'm sure your dad appreciates you being there for him. :3
            Sending you lots of hugs, love, and support. ❤


@ CreatureChanLixQueen  Do your best, sweetheart! Don't feel obligated to entertain us, I wish you all the best! You're going to make it <3


@CreatureChanLixQueen I hope everything gets better and that you can finish the TPP course successfully! I wish the best for you


Going through a phase rn where I'm not writing anything which is most unfortunate because there's also moments where I want to but then life gets in the way. When life isn't getting in the way too much, I'll start writing again. 
          I have about 200-300 words typed up for the final MLS 2 chapter, but it might be a while before I post that :(
          On a much more exciting note, I'm seeing a few of my favourite bands including Disturbed at a music festival today and I'm very very very hyped for that! 


@CreatureChanLixQueen Take as much time as you feel like you need! There's not a rush. :3 
            And I feel u... ㅠㅠ I haven't made any progress on any of my drafts because of life and stress. ;u; 
            I hope you have fun when you get to see your favorite bands! ^w^


So I haven't updated anything in months. I haven't written anything in months till, like, yesterday tbh (I also post stuff to Archive Of Our Own. You can find me on there at Creature_ChanLixQueen). 
          I have started writing again, but it's a slow process. Idk when I'll be updating MLS 2 but I will soon I think. I will say though, the next time I update MLS 2, it will be the final chapter of the two book series. It will be a long one so it might be a while before it's posted 


Guess I'm taking an extended break or something because I have not written anything in probably about a month or so. Adulting is still rough, dad's away on a transport job up to Cairns for the first time since his truck accident in April and won't be back until mid next week so I'm in the house alone (an old house, but it's massive and it's lonely) and I'm constantly in a state of anxiety over that so yeh, shits not fun at the moment. 
          My mental health always gets quite shitty over the Christmas holidays, so if I don't update over Christmas or whatever, you know why 


this message may be offensive
take ur time!! hope ur adulting shit gets a little less rough


Adulting has been rough lately
          I'm sorry for the complete lack of updates
          I've been working, and I recently got my green P plates (which basically means I can drive on my own which is FANTASTIC and also mildly terrifying) so I've been driving everywhere and yeh
          Shits been fun, but shits also been rough. 


dw about it!! take ur time with the updates and whatnot, we’ll still be here!! (also congrats on now being able to drive on ur own!!)