
Pride Month is around the Corner. My brothers and sisters, you know what must be done


@Custos_Portae eh? What’s happening?


@BlueRacer2728 We must remind her she is da gay


Pride Month is around the Corner. My brothers and sisters, you know what must be done


@Custos_Portae eh? What’s happening?


@BlueRacer2728 We must remind her she is da gay


I'm also considering learning to animate my art so I can draw my own fight scenes for my stories.
          I'd upload them to a YouTube channel and in the top of a chapter, so one could read the fight or watch it later.
          If I do consider it, should I get voice acting for it done?
          Not saying it's set in stone to do this, but if I did, I'd have to ask some of y'all to voice characters in the scenes if you were up to it.
          Once again just a hypothetical, because this isn't set in stone.
          The odds are high though.
          Just let me know what ya think of this.


@StoriesWithLu I'm aware. Just a 30 second clip can take hours or even days.


@Custos_Portae it sounds cool but I’m gonna warn you animation is extremely hard since there is so much that goes into it but animatics can be very possible! It’s a really cool idea tho!


@Custos_Portae Hm, I doubt any of us have a decent enough mic for it either way lol, My voice sounds horrendous on recording


Welp Status update on the thing I said. I guess I'll be doing Arknights at some point later on. But before that, I'll have two books up eventually.
          I keep saying that, but in my defense, work has been calling for overtime alot so....
          But trust me I'll get back to it. I love writing.
          Anyway, Salvation. My Salvation story was apparently....
          Marked as finished without me knowing. So no, it isn't finished, and chapter 7 shouldn't be out. So whoever published it did so without my consent. August was supposed to be resting, not in active war.
          So yeah, I'm redoing that chapter, which is R and R.


Welp. I'm not exactly the best with time...
          It seems all I've been doing is making excuses. I got a job recently again, just finished college final makeups, and have been slammed with all sorts of other stuff.
          Yeah you've heard it all.
          So here's how it's gonna go.
          Y'all can request whatever fanfiction idea for me to write y'all want. I'll research it and start writing it, whatever you like.
          There's one condition though, first three get their say first. Either that or whichever idea gets liked most. The deadline is by 11:59pm.
          7am latest. EST time.
          Good luck.


@GodofChaos1 Your voice is heard. However, the final vote ain't over yet


@Custos_Portae Write another chapter for your Aeon story


@Custos_Portae I'll consider it. Although that means I'd have to play Arknights...
            Meh. We'll see if anyone else decides to answer before I finalize anything 


In other news I got Robin in Honkai Star Rail. Now I'm spending time to build her instead of sleeping like I should be.
          It's all.or nothing.


@Custos_Portae I didn’t find it fun. Gameplay wasn’t for me, don’t know the story though so to each their own. 


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@Custos_Portae if your ready to bang you head into your table (or just load up YouTube and search up our lord and savior kyo) every time you do a really do a hard mission yeah it’s pretty fun, 
            it’s like a tower defense game but the enemy’s can and need to interact with the towers like almost all the towers have a block count and shit and you need to protect a blue cube…
            Just search the game up on YouTube they explain it so much better then me, basically it’s like a quarter afk, quarter strategy, quarter YouTube tutorials, and quarter grind until you become so unbelievably rich you could buy an entire Vicky but instead use it on E2ing one 6 star operator….


Wow. Another announcement instead of an updated book. Who would have saw that coming?
          Regardless, I've been watching Fate Kaleid, and Gushing Over Magical Girls. 
          Don't judge me...
          Point is, I'm probably going to take a wee little break from my other stories and start writing something cursed.
          For those who have seen Kampfer, or Ore Twintail Ni Narimasu, you'll have an idea of what I mean by cursed.
          For those who don't, well. Odds are you'll google it and pretend you do know. Meh.
          So yeah.
          Cursed idea has slowly branched into fun story. A chapter should be up within a day or so.


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Status update. I appeared to have failed three classes...
          That's what laziness gets ya.
          I'll have to retake them in the fall it seems...


@Custos_Portae I'll make sure to try it come fall


@Custos_Portae if you find it hard then just put a timer that reminds you or get someone to lock your phone behind a password and give it to you after you finish a certain amount of work. oh and forcing yourself to do some work also works, I find that once I get into doing my work I just blank out and start doing everything. I’m not sure if it works on everyone but that’s normally how I force myself to do crap.


@Rin8491 I'll make sure to try that...


To whoever still sees these, or cares enough to actually read the drabbles I write.
          I probably won't publish anything until Tuesday at the earliest, Friday at the latest.
          I was dodging my college work and now it all piled up so I'm finishing it now, and thus must Speedrun it before May 2.
          Wish me luck, and I'm sorry to those who read my works.


@Custos_Portae damn good luck, I heard collage was more brutal then high school and I’m barely surviving in HS lol


On today's edition of dumb decisions, we have me. Who decided to make a Genshin account. 
          Fun fact. It only takes about $40 worth of welkin moons and unhealthy amounts of free time to get C5 Arlecchino.
          I pulled Arlecchino yesterday. Then proceeded to Speedrun the game using only her. She's currently level 70 and I finished most of the game with her.
          I uh...
          I need to learn to sleep properly hahahahah...
          So yeah.
          I now have a level 70 Arlecchino at C5, and a bunch of unbuilt unleveled Characters...
          I'm truly amazing hahahaha...
          (This is a cry for help. In response to this cry, I'm going to be uploading a book titled Fate: Savior soon.)


@Custos_Portae my poor potato couldn’t even load up genshin


@TZOmniverse  wuthering waves might be just the replacement 