Next part that is part 88 is uploaded .... please do check notifications is not been seen ..


          Between the beautiful chaos of dark romance and fantasies on Wattpad, I'm presenting y'all a contrary to that.
          'Pick up at the bookstore' is a sweet highschool romance based on Chinese characters and settings. If you're a great enthusiast of Korean/Japanese and especially Chinese dramas, then you're already welcome!
          Apologies for posting this on your conversation board. If you have got any issues, simply delete it. A gentle request to not report. Thanks! Have a great day<3


Hey, sorry for posting here but i am past the desperate line. So please check out my story.
          Sisters before misters
          Family drama
          Soft romance 
          Couple 1 tropes
          Arranged marriage 
          Marriage in crisis
          Reverse Grumpy x sunshine 
          She fell first but he fell harder
          Couple 2 tropes 
          Childhood friends to lovers 
          Friends with benefits 
          Sunshine couple
          He fell first and harder