
Hey all, 
          	It’s been forever and I do apologize for that. 2020 was definitely a year 
          	I decided it’s about time for me to get into the writing groove. The final draft of Aelburn is officially done and being handled by my editor (Bless my 12th grade English teacher’s soul, shoutout to her) and I plan to get going full steam ahead on the publishing train.
          	As for my WattPad, I actually wanted to know what you would like next, would you like a brand new original story or should I go back to my roots and write a Fairy Tail fan fiction? Decisions, decisions~
          	I hope to see you soon, regardless of the form it comes in. Stay safe, stay healthy 


@faeriedreams thank you so much that means so much to me <3333


@DKKelly |  i'm so excited eeeek!! and i'm honored you're gonna be reading my stories omgg!! >w< i'll be nervous tho bc you're so much better than me, lol. i look up to you so much in both fanfic and originals, so it's just an honor all around ^^ <3333


@sapphictheatrekid well......yes. BUT I GOTTA GIVE YOU NEW CONTENT AS WELL MAR


Hey all, 
          It’s been forever and I do apologize for that. 2020 was definitely a year 
          I decided it’s about time for me to get into the writing groove. The final draft of Aelburn is officially done and being handled by my editor (Bless my 12th grade English teacher’s soul, shoutout to her) and I plan to get going full steam ahead on the publishing train.
          As for my WattPad, I actually wanted to know what you would like next, would you like a brand new original story or should I go back to my roots and write a Fairy Tail fan fiction? Decisions, decisions~
          I hope to see you soon, regardless of the form it comes in. Stay safe, stay healthy 


@faeriedreams thank you so much that means so much to me <3333


@DKKelly |  i'm so excited eeeek!! and i'm honored you're gonna be reading my stories omgg!! >w< i'll be nervous tho bc you're so much better than me, lol. i look up to you so much in both fanfic and originals, so it's just an honor all around ^^ <3333


@sapphictheatrekid well......yes. BUT I GOTTA GIVE YOU NEW CONTENT AS WELL MAR


          Also in the works is a new Fairy Tail fan fiction.
          Thank you all for your continued support. Life has been pretty crazy and has taken me away from a lot of my passions lately. But I am back and ready to start writing again.
          Aelburn is also in the process of being self published by yours truly. I will be posting the link as soon as it is ready! 
          Love you all!


HEY ALL, long time no see!
          Just wanted to let y’all know, the first two chapters of my new book, Children of the Seven, are almost done! I should have them up relatively soon and I hope you check it out!
          Secondly, Aelburn has once again been submitted into the Watty’s! Hoping this goes better than the last time haha, but we shall see!!! 
          I’ll see you soon! <3


The final chapter of Aelburn, dedications and an authors note has been published.
          Thank you those of you who have followed Willow and Lucas’s journey for the last three years. I’ll see you soon in July with another project ❤️


Hey all, Chapter Fifteen of Aelburn will be an even later update than expected. The storyline I had written up for the chapter just hasn’t been going the way I wanted it to and just didn’t make sense in the whole scheme of the story. I’d rather give myself some time to figure out where I want it to go rather than put out a lack luster chapter. Thanks for being incredible.
          Stay healthy, stay safe ❤️