What makes one a writer? Someone once told me it's when you're paid to write. Though, that's pretty vague because I am certain there are celebrities who are paid to tweet. It may not be prose that stirs the soul but it is writing. 

I believe you are a writer when your body leaves you with no other choice but to write. When the words have nowhere else to go other than from your soul to the page. When you see yourself in the works of other writers, sharing their truths as they alone are living them.

I write because it's what I know. It's what I've done since I was 10 years old. The times I haven't written, are times that have not served me well.

But I'm also a parent so let's be real, I write to get paid as well;) But reading, there is no payment for that. Unless there is, wait, is that a thing? Getting paid to read? Note to self, "find a job that pays me to read, preferably in a warm climate."
  • Daniella English
  • JoinedMay 21, 2020


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