
i get vibes about stuff....and im sorta getting a vibe that jie will either become an alchemist or have all five elemental affinity's which would be awsome. i also hope ming recovers soon. and i still am dieing to know how that strange stone comes into play in your path of the dragon series


@poetlief I'm glad you're enjoying. ^.^ No comment on the other stuff of course. ;D But it's always nice to hear what people are thinking about and interested in with the story. :)


is it just me or is  jie becoming more like a dragon as time goes on? That stone tho has me concerned from the reactions it caused. but i love Jie. She's awesome i can't put this book down and keep rereading it.it's just too good! I NEED MORE!!!!!


just added it to my library will give it a read.


@DarenGillingham  do you mean unspeakable secrets? im looking into reading that has well