
Hey guys! I know it's been ages, and I'm sorry for that. I am also sorry for the fact that I will be moving all of my stories, with the exception of La Dame Blanche, back into drafts. I am not happy with any of them, and they all need a massive amount of editing, if not actual deletion. I am still writing and will be working on things to publish, but for now you can all consider me on hiatus for the foreseeable future, if you didn't already. Thank you all for your support and help so far. I love you guys!


Hey guys! I know it's been ages, and I'm sorry for that. I am also sorry for the fact that I will be moving all of my stories, with the exception of La Dame Blanche, back into drafts. I am not happy with any of them, and they all need a massive amount of editing, if not actual deletion. I am still writing and will be working on things to publish, but for now you can all consider me on hiatus for the foreseeable future, if you didn't already. Thank you all for your support and help so far. I love you guys!


          I need help finding a new murder story to read while everything else I'm reading is updating. Anybody have any good suggestions? I've already read everything by SheHopes though, so don't bother throwing out those titles...


So, I decided I want to try to get to know my followers/readers (let's be honest, I know not everybody who follows me reads my stories. But that's okay, I love y'all anyways!)a little better than I do at the moment. So... Here are a few questions you can answer (but only if you want to) and feel free to ask me questions too (so long as it doesn't violate Wattpad's rules).  
          Questions for my followers:
          What's your favorite genre?
          What do you mainly do here on Wattpad? Read or write? Or both?
          What fandom(s) are you a part of?
          Who's your favorite author?
          Thanks for answering and for just following me.
          So... Yeah...


@DarrionRyce I like mostly drama or fiction(but mostly vampire booksXD)I mostly read here on wattpad but I'm writing as well and I can't choose of who is my favorite author there are so many to choose from and I hope a lot to come


@DarrionRyce I like drama and fanfiction, I read and write its pretty 50/50 I'm a lovatic and my favourite authors are Jay (AVoilentEmotion) and Neil (Orbajomadness)


So, I got to thinking the other day, and this crazy thought came to mind. A lot of authors these days only write fan fiction. I mean, look at the Percy Jackson series! It's all based off of greek mythology, right? So it's basically fan fiction! All historical fiction (which I love) is fan fiction! The Chronicles of Narnia (which is based off of the Bible) is fan fiction! THE HUNGER GAMES  is fan fiction, because it is based off of TONS of different mythologies and old tales. Heck, SHAKESPEARE based all his works off of stories and myths, so his writing is ALL FANFICTION!!!!! And yet most "fan fics" aren't taken seriously, but we study fanfics in school. Our world is insane...