
Hello there, it is I, DeathlessRonin, it has been a long while since I've updated any of my stories and I know all of you are wondering when I will resume writing. Unfortunately, that is not going to be the case, you see, my brother who use to write on here was in a terrible accident and now our younger brother is rewriting/fixing and finishing all his stories. I am my older brother's caregiver and no longer have time in the day or time at all to write anything. I know this isn't what any of you wanted to hear but know that my younger brother has agreed to do the same with my stories after he's finished up our brother's stories.
          	My older brother, if you don't know him is AnimeFan0930
          	And my younger brother is Black-On1, I will be leaving my stories to him, please support him like you've supported me


@williamsmaurice1254 right now, Wattpad is being extremely buggy when it comes to writing. I'm working on all my current stories right now, I have a schedule over on my main page


@Black-On1 yeah so what story are you going to work on today or tomorrow


Hello there, it is I, DeathlessRonin, it has been a long while since I've updated any of my stories and I know all of you are wondering when I will resume writing. Unfortunately, that is not going to be the case, you see, my brother who use to write on here was in a terrible accident and now our younger brother is rewriting/fixing and finishing all his stories. I am my older brother's caregiver and no longer have time in the day or time at all to write anything. I know this isn't what any of you wanted to hear but know that my younger brother has agreed to do the same with my stories after he's finished up our brother's stories.
          My older brother, if you don't know him is AnimeFan0930
          And my younger brother is Black-On1, I will be leaving my stories to him, please support him like you've supported me


@williamsmaurice1254 right now, Wattpad is being extremely buggy when it comes to writing. I'm working on all my current stories right now, I have a schedule over on my main page


@Black-On1 yeah so what story are you going to work on today or tomorrow


Hey there everyone, I'm just letting you all know that I will not be releasing any new chapters on the 24th and 25th for obvious reasons, so please don't be surprised when you don't see anything new on those days. I also won't be releasing anything on New Years Eve or the 1st of January, I'll probably sleeping and not wanting to do anything 


@DeathlessRonin :D
            I hope you had a great Christmas ( ╹▽╹ )


What happened to chapter Sixteen?


@Kai-Renor huh weird it shows 16 chapters and even a name "new arrivals" I don't know how wattpad does this :/


@Kai-Renor there isn't a chapter 16 for that yet, probably an error 