
I'm sorry for posting it's because my dog Ragnar has died. 
          	From a bad injury from his leg and it wasn't that good my mum thought he got cancer or something because of the pump on his legs and no it wasn't the snake.


For not posting 


Oh my God, thank you, thank you, thank you, everyone, for following me! I can't believe I hit one hundred followers. I know I was gone for so long, but you know what? I was working on other books. It was a one-shot, but I was planning to post it after Jjba. But today has turned out to be the best day ever!  ❥(ゝω·✿ฺ)


Hell everyone 
          I'm sorry for not posting because I'm gonna be gone like gone for maybe a month or week  because I have school and things that needed to be done so the post will be slow... (_ _;) 


@Devine_Curse one question for jjba x male reader why do we at the end of every part? 


Damn I spell hell  it's was supposed to be hello not hell 