
this message may be offensive
Hi me IS gonna bebe quick
          	I faild my math and mhp testa and and becouse of that i am po using any and all work on *Rimuru's revenge* 
          	ILL try my best to get my shit together but it definetly wont be before 5.6.
          	You all have fin please dont be mad at me and see ya in 5.6. 2024
          	(if i survive long enough) 


          	  Ahh you making me blush ( not really but still)
          	  But yippee! It took 25 chapters of waiting but someon finnaly answers my question of my writing style is good :D


@Dinejro i'm praising you too, you are one of my favorite writer (and btw, you have the best writing style)


          	  And I again thank you for it :D


this message may be offensive
Hi me IS gonna bebe quick
          I faild my math and mhp testa and and becouse of that i am po using any and all work on *Rimuru's revenge* 
          ILL try my best to get my shit together but it definetly wont be before 5.6.
          You all have fin please dont be mad at me and see ya in 5.6. 2024
          (if i survive long enough) 


            Ahh you making me blush ( not really but still)
            But yippee! It took 25 chapters of waiting but someon finnaly answers my question of my writing style is good :D


@Dinejro i'm praising you too, you are one of my favorite writer (and btw, you have the best writing style)


            And I again thank you for it :D


Okay so we have a test tommorow another test on Friday and an assignment I have to turn in tommorow midnight
          Yk those precrasenation memes are a lot funnier on paper or on video then they are in real life.
          Rimuru's " shananigans are gonna have to wait out this week and *maybe* we get a chance to keep working next week.
          But this are the last two months of my school and we'll soon be done.
          If I survive that is.
          Hope any job or school is going *well* for you guys too.


@Dinejro when you finish you get 5 hour call 


            I swear to god(me) if one person who reads this thinks I'm from Slovakia because of you I swear I'm gonna... I'm... umm... I'm not gonna tell you the further plot of RR...
            Tho' it is true we haven't been in a call for a while now. I miss it. But not like I have time for it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


this message may be offensive
Yippee I get to make an announcement!
          I haven't made one of this in a while since I don't like pinging people if I don't have a chapter release planed but more importantly I have a little conspiracy.
          Don't tell anyone but I think unless I mention it no one read author notes ore this announcements.
          But anyway I'm here to celebrate a happy number of 69 members on our discord!!
          If you want to join the link to the server is in my bio and we are happy to see anyone new
          Also due to it being April the last Speedrun of grades has started.
          All the lazy teacher need to get their shit together, the too hardworking teachers get an excuse to have more grades and the idiots get to fuck up even more.
          But neverthe less my engineering and music school have been mercilessly fu-- I mean beating my ass and any time I have left I just speen it her reading or watching Vsouce.
          I've been trying to fight my exhaustion and I do get words in ever so often but it is hard to focused sometimes.
          Again Its gonna take to long for the next chapter to come to you but I hope you are as awsome as before since the support from what I can tell has only been growing!
          I thank you all who put up with the bulshit upload sceduals I have and wish you all a good morning, good evening and good night!
          That's all from me
          (Please join the discord we need to reach 690!)
          By by!


            Thanks man this is my First originla creation.
            Ive been trying to learn how to draw and the progress is a bit slower then I would like.
            But HEY it took me a year to be half bad at writing so I think this is going much better. 


@ Dinejro  nice art you did


this message may be offensive
Fuck you dyselxsia 
            I wrote raise my hands towords them and not my dads


Hello, it's me again!
          Due to some badly planned holidays I'm gonna disappear off the face of the earth for about 10 days from now.
          I'm gonna give it my all to finish the chapter tonight and give it to the PR team but there is no way (Yes I am doubting you guys) That they will finish it until tomorrow morning my time when we leave.
          So you guys are gonna have to wait another 10 days and then as soon as I get the chance I'll upload the chapter. 
          i am still surprised by the patience you guys have but this is the final countdown!
          See ya in 10 days :D


Yo its me!
          Havent uploaded in a while but I am arguably still alive!
          Thats soon gonna change but I am alive for now☺️
          The thing is I got a bad grade on a math test since... Well it's math and also I'm in inzenering school and out of 30 students 29 got a 1... Thats out science future ladies and gentlemen.
          Anyway what that means for my alredly abysmal scedual (if you can call it that) is anyone guess.
          But yeah I'm big sad because of it.
          Also did you see! I got a new pfp drew it my self☺️
          Wait where was I?
          Ohh my potential death yeah!
          Well I need to study cuz... God damm engineering school is hard 
          But it is what it is.
          Hope to see you soon with the chap 42.
          See ya!


Well, my grammar is as bad as ever...
            Good to see nothing changed...


I'm just making this before I'm too late again.
          I would like to thank you all for 60k views on Rimuru's Revenge!!!
          Chapter 42 is on its way and even tho it's tires exploded and it ran out of gas like four times already it is coming... Slowly... To slowly
          But I'm making time when and trying to not fail school.
          I'd like to thank you again for the cool goal of 60k and just here to remind you we just need 9k more
          Hope you're having a good day/night/morning/lunch/dinner/breakfast/holiday/school day and I can go on.
          Hope I can make the chapter in the next 2 weeks☺️
          See ya!


I may or may not have stolen https://www.pinterest.com/pin/create/button/?media=https://img.wattpad.com/eb1fadbb6c0e819cd74b490899e46a5fbd5b9fe3/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f68523359654c636c306d384478413d3d2d313334353635393233362e313736323236626133643666643130353234393133363436363635332e6a7067?s=fit&w=735&h=1102&description=+ 
          Can I please use it. I came up with a creative way to steal it by putting it as a pintrest then save image in my files. I will give you credit if you let me use it. I cannot legally just steal it due to copyright issues, but I can if I have ur consent


can you make a story when your rimuru tempest dies and gets reincarnated back in timer as a spirit after he meets twilight valentine and after he becomes a high elf


so how is it going?


            "It is all going as I have... foreseen..."
            - Palpatin


@Dinejro I didnt know u had such big plans


Sorry guys i was planing to relese the chapter on the 1 of january today
          But the PR team needs some more time.
          I did give them a record long chapter so its taking a bit longer then ussual.
          I hope you can wait about 2 more days and thank you in advence.
          Also since the chapter is gonna be to late.
          HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
          I hope you have a good one and i hope us humans get to coexsist with one and other for another year.
          Take care :D


            Man then i really don't got any excuses...
            I better hurry up...


@Dinejro a good story takes time bro 