
Still active, working little by little on books in drafts… 


@musefodder I shall never give up writing haha and thank you!


@DoctorRockhard Glad to see you're still writing. I enjoy your style and am always pleased to find another whose writing gyroscope is heavily skewed and mildly off balance. Or maybe it's everyone else who's skewed ...


@DoctorRockhard I'm glad. Can't wait to see more of your projects soon! Take care. 


Hello, I've recently finished your book "Annihilation," and I wanted to have it featured for Book of the Month with adult fiction. We would do a book review and interview with you and have it posted on the profile. Since private messages are no longer there, I took the liberty to write on your wall. If you're interested, let me know, and I can provide my discord to further communicate 


@DoctorRockhard Hey, I've taken the email down. You may go ahead and delete 


@kerker3 Oh for sure, that sounds great! I don't have discord or any other forms of social media since I deleted them, but I do have an email if that is okay?


i have to say I LOVE your stories. 
          I am reading every book of yours rn, and if you ever want to sell your books.
          Contact me!
          Imma buy 10 of each so i can give the other 9 of each to my friends so they can read your strories aswell.
          My favorite book so far is `Hunting Season`
          I love the horror aspect in this story and the switch from Terrified to beeing Sassy around that "Monster". 
          I Need way more of those books, ngl you scratched an intch in my brain that i didnt even know that that needed to be scratched.
          in short, NEVER STOP!! 
          Ps: If you ever need another beta reader... call ME!
          or an alpha reader,
          or omega reader,
          or just a person who brings you coffee,
          cake or cookies 
          (im good at baking) 
          (sorry my english is not the best ^^')


I’ve always wanted to sell my books but I think you’re the only one who would buy them  people like them as long as they’re free  thank you so much! More books are coming in the future I want to finish it all first and revise it before I upload them :D 


Hunting season is such an amazing book that I don't think I can praise it enough. It was marvelously written, with raw emotions and a hauntingly beautiful setting. I've never read this genre before, and to say I'm hooked would be an understatement. Thank you so much for writing this gorgeous book, I'm grateful that I found it.
          Much love<33


Wow thank you so much for your kinds words I really appreciate it! Stay tuned for more monster loving :P


Still active, working little by little on books in drafts… 


@musefodder I shall never give up writing haha and thank you!


@DoctorRockhard Glad to see you're still writing. I enjoy your style and am always pleased to find another whose writing gyroscope is heavily skewed and mildly off balance. Or maybe it's everyone else who's skewed ...


@DoctorRockhard I'm glad. Can't wait to see more of your projects soon! Take care. 