Hello Everyone~
This account is not actually one person's but two. I am Dove, the female half of this equation, and together with my writing partner, Rogue, we hope to entertain and excite every one who reads into our imagination. But be warned, our stories are in depth and detailed, not necessarily for children. As we are two people on one account we will be sure to indicate who reply's to what messages and comments we have. My hobbies include: listening to music, singing, reading, and writing. My mind is always filled with magic and ideas that make it hard to keep track of them all, but my dear friend Rogue helps me to keep things in order. We hope to entice and sway any readers that enjoy our creativity, and to hear good things from them as well. Do enjoy!

Hi everybody,
I am Rogue, the male counterpart of Dove. Dove covered who we are and what we do swimmingly. My interests involve creating music, being a geek, sleeping, writing poetry as well as stories, and listening to nature. My life has been filled with pain so I have moments of light and dark. Dove does her best to cheer me up when I begin to fall. I hope the beauty we create together with entertain you and make your heart dance.
  • Our Own Magical World...
  • JoinedJune 16, 2013
