
I just realized I never updated everyone on my situation. I am officially a little over four months free of cancer since they caught it in the early stages and I'm gonna to attempt to start writing on here again. The first thing I want to do is start a Percy Jackson book since casting is going on and I want everyone's opinion on whether they want a full length book or just a bunch of one-shots. I will probably do both, but I want to know which one I should do first. If you choose the one-shot book, I will be taking requests so go crazy I guess?


I just realized I never updated everyone on my situation. I am officially a little over four months free of cancer since they caught it in the early stages and I'm gonna to attempt to start writing on here again. The first thing I want to do is start a Percy Jackson book since casting is going on and I want everyone's opinion on whether they want a full length book or just a bunch of one-shots. I will probably do both, but I want to know which one I should do first. If you choose the one-shot book, I will be taking requests so go crazy I guess?


To all of those still supporting me even though I've been inactive for almost a year, I love reading your comments. I will try to update, but my life is crazy right now. I have to go see a doctor almost every month to get treated for cancer, but I'll still try to update whenever I can.


@Dragonhybrid0112 I hope you have a speedy recovery! I love reading your writing!


Hey guys, sorry I was gone for a long time. Anyways, I have some news I want to share. I finally figured out me and I will be starting to write again but probably not any of the stories that are here already. If you'd like to know anything that has changed with me, check my description and if you want my discord after reading my description, send me a message


Hey, I saw on your author’s note that you are in Colorguard, I was wondering where your school is, because I’m on my high school Colorguard team in California!


this message may be offensive
@Blue647 I'm in Oklahoma where the weather is shit and goes from summer to winter to tornado season in the span of .01 seconds


I have two things to say. First, I haven't been as active as I've wanted to be and I'm sorry for that. I know I have books on here to write. I know I adopted a story and I haven't even posted it, but I have plans to write it. Second, this next part is going to sound like I'm an attention seeker, but I have to get this off my chest, and I know wattpad is the one place that I can trust. So, if you want to ignore this part, that's fine. I won't judge. I just need to vent slightly.
          Everyone has been told from a young age to "be yourself because there's only one you and you're beautiful". I was the same way, except I was yelled at for being myself. Funny, huh? The most important people in my life(family, friends, and classmates alike) told me to be myself and when I am myself, they tell me to stop being myself. "You need to stop liking that because no one cares." You know what, I do. "Don't talk about that. It's stupid." etc, etc
          You know what I find stupid? That last paragraph. If I can't be myself, then who am I? Am I you? No, you're you. Am I your friend? Certainly not if you are someone I mentioned above. Who am I then? The world doe not have an answer for that question and probably won't have one anytime soon. Especially if people keep chipping away at my uniqueness little by little, piece by piece.
          I don't believe in myself because everyone is always complaining about who I am, and that's why I hate being around people. I'm always angry because I ALWAYS have to be the bigger person and bottle my emotions up to apologize. I don't trust because everyone I have ever trusted with my heart, trust, and faith, broke all of it and me. I have to lie about myself so I don't disappoint anyone.
          That is why I write. To find an escape, to find happiness. Writing is the one thing in my life not trying to "fix" me. Writing allows me to leave my crappy life and get all my bottled up emotions out. Nothing can and ever will replace writing. This, this is why I write.
          Thank you


@Dragonlady0112 I have that same problem with some of my family and I hate it. I know you will understand what I am going through.


That is pretty messed up having your family say that to you. Though as a way to deal try secluding your self. Also I don’t mind lending an ear or two if you need to talk or well text in this case. I hope it will get better for you soon. 


It says that you adopted 'love from down under ', but I can't find it.


@RDoglover yeah. I'm working on details as soon as I have free time from school, which is Tartarus by the way


And you’re gonna explain why she was aged down, right? Cause that really confused me


Please let me know when you finish