
I'm just going to be honest with you guys and I've said this to someone else as well. When I started Jamie Hook I was still in high school and now I'm about to graduate (I just turned eighteen!) and I've been very occupied with life in general and haven't even been able to catch up on the EAH webisodes! I'd love to return to Jamie Hook and all my other stories but I don't think I will get to because adulthood has come in and kind of thrown me off! I have a job and applying for colleges so my mind hasn't really been on Jamie Hook! 
          	I'm sad that I don't have time to return because not only is writing a passion of mine but it was something me and my friend who has unfourtanetly passed used to bond over and I feel like I'm letting all of you down as well as her.
          	Maybe, someday, when life doesn't get in the way. I'll have time to write to my heart's delight. 
          	I hope you all understand!


@DreamsxMoon Aw! But congrats on graduating! I hope you get into a great college (and use your popular fanfic as an advantage for a job) and good luck on life!


OMG this is too late, it's been about 3 years (I think)  but I just can't stop binge reading your fan fiction of Jamie Hook. I really want and need a sequel, sure the EACH fandom is quiet because there's no more new episodes but I really need a sequel. Please (ಥ ͜ʖಥ)(´༎ຶ ͜ʖ ༎ຶ `)♡


@ marichathoe  can you make the sequel


I just finished it and I was looking for the sequel and I’m sad that there isn’t one, please change that 


I know it's quite too late to tell you this but...YOUR JAMIE HOOK EAH FANFIC IS LEGIT THE BEST EVER EAH FANFIC EVER. I've read it like 5 times and it always makes me smile when I am down. It makes me cry whenever it is finished because do you ever get so attached to a book that when it finishes you become upset because the book was the bomb? I absotively enjoyed it *cries* It was beautiful