
Hi, I'm publishing my new book of poems, I hope you like it and feel free to leave your opinions.


thank you so much for your votes on my book :) i really appreciate it.


@Dyuvania aww thank you so so much ! no probs, i loved them !
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@itshvma I would like to say that your writing is magnificent, I really wish that writers like you get recognition. I also thank you for reading and voting for my poems.
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Hi everyone, I've been away for a while, I'm very busy with college, books that I'm writing to post here, I want to tell you that a novel will be published soon, so please bear with me. I'll be taking a look at some books by writers here that I really want to support.
          Have a wonderful day! A hug full of chocolate! 


@ AJCrazyEyes  Thank you for your support and motivation! 
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@Dyuvania No rush. In your time. Have a good day. Keep believing.
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thank you for reading & voting for ROOH, I appreciate that. have a good day ahead <3


Olá, quero agradecer a cada um que está lendo os meus escritos, toda semana estarei publicando um poema/poesia. Sou nova por aqui e do fundo do coração espero tocar alguém com minha letra poética, fico feliz em participar de uma plataforma que reúne vários escritores talentosos e leitores críticos quanto as suas leituras, espero muito continuar tendo coragem de compartilhar vários escritos que estão guardados durante anos. Obrigada!