
this message may be offensive
The book is historical fiction. 
          1)Hero and heroine meet at the ball in the garden when heroine is searching for her sister. 
          2) Next she overhears someone trying to kill the hero
          3) Next morning she goes to his house in disguise and tells him about this
          4) He was sent to America because he killed a person in duel. 
          5) But he didn't and the one's who are now trying to kill him now kills that person. 
          6) At last hero tells them he is going to America by sea then heroine and her father also follow him
          7) In epilogue they were married. 
          If you have read this book please tell me the title


Hey there I loved your story (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤very much and want to continue reading other parts but can't find the external links that you mentioned at the end of the story and to be honest it's very frustrating not to finish the story so please help me na ..I really want to continue the story ( ˶ ❛ ꁞ ❛ ˶ )


I do not know if it is correct to ask you here or not, but I would like to ask you whether you mind re-publishing your novel in Arabic with changing the names of the characters? Because i really like it, I would be grateful if you agreed, and if your answer is no, it's okay, I just take permission from you.