
"Is there any reason why stories once submitted but did not previously win cannot reenter? To have a fresh story to submit every year - where there are only ten stories that win now (per completed/ongoing category) and all ten of those stories could technically be all be one genre like Romance, thereby making your odds of winning a Watty significantly lower than in previous years - seems like a difficult task, especially for writers with various disabilities that would hinder speedier writing paces, or writers that juggle their writing time with rearing children or working full time to support themselves and others." 
          	this should be a big red flag, to have a brand new story submitted every single year. if you have a lot of stories, what are the odds you wrote them during the eligibility window? it seems like we're being groomed for who can pump out financially viable stories quickly, and that just does not sit well with me, because it doesn't sound like they actually care about genuine, passionate, or diverse products. 


@EllisVanWyk  Oh, I see.  Yeah, I'd definitely prefer to have entries separated by different genres.  I hope they don't keep this format - that sucks.


@EllisVanWyk No, it makes sense. I just didn't think deeply about it. 


@EllisVanWyk yep, let alone shady ads x_X


"Is there any reason why stories once submitted but did not previously win cannot reenter? To have a fresh story to submit every year - where there are only ten stories that win now (per completed/ongoing category) and all ten of those stories could technically be all be one genre like Romance, thereby making your odds of winning a Watty significantly lower than in previous years - seems like a difficult task, especially for writers with various disabilities that would hinder speedier writing paces, or writers that juggle their writing time with rearing children or working full time to support themselves and others." 
          this should be a big red flag, to have a brand new story submitted every single year. if you have a lot of stories, what are the odds you wrote them during the eligibility window? it seems like we're being groomed for who can pump out financially viable stories quickly, and that just does not sit well with me, because it doesn't sound like they actually care about genuine, passionate, or diverse products. 


@EllisVanWyk  Oh, I see.  Yeah, I'd definitely prefer to have entries separated by different genres.  I hope they don't keep this format - that sucks.


@EllisVanWyk No, it makes sense. I just didn't think deeply about it. 


@EllisVanWyk yep, let alone shady ads x_X


i can no longer find Evan Hase in my drafts... can Wattpad delete stories from your drafts now?? glad i have it backed up to death


            thank you for the kind words!
            but no worries - i have everything backed-up, on AO3, they are not assholes like wattpad. it's is kinda sad that people can read my mature content only there, but... oh well.
            but wattpad has been acting weird with my books, as they are almost all 18+, not just in April, but in the last year and a half, so i was smart enough to back everything up. this app is dying, people are leaving in throves for tumblr and ao3.  :)


@EllisVanWyk if they said it was not them who deleted it but is it removed, can try asking them to restore it? Worth a shot?


@Shimaira it isn't on my app or the website, and wattpad reached out and said they didn't delete it but they also saw it was removed. no other information ;-; i just want my bio back!!


I am ridiculously exhausted with Wattpad. 
          I am often not online due to high bouts of burnout and exhaustion, but if you would like a writing-friendly space where you can communicate outside of story comments, DM me before April 30 to get a discord link to a group of warm, welcoming writers with a penchant for being weird, funny, emotional, and who all have experience with self and trad publishing. 
          Stay strong together, even when our writing security is actively being hunted down, friends


@EllisVanWyk community is what makes this place special T__T so them removing parts of it? It breaks my heart T__T


@Shimaira honestly. There's so much community on Wattpad and Wattpad is actively fighting against it 


Sucks how we need to get creative for such a basic function though :(


After much consideration, I think it's likely time for me to depart from Wattpad. I've met the most wonderful group of people in the reading/writing world, and am glad to have read so many ARCs, drafts, and finished stories, but being endlessly ignored by the program that invited me to write consistently for a year is really weighing on me. I've done a lot of soul searching in this last year, and I have come to the conclusion that I'm not prepared to write romance or werewolf stories that revolve around packs, and not insane amounts of gore, simply for the reads or notice by Wattpad :3 Obviously, I throw no shade to those of you who do write this stuff (writing is hard and admirable regardless of what genre you write); it's Wattpad's handling of promotion and utter disregard for diversity in any form that I'm throwing shade at. 
          In the next year, I'm hoping to self publish a few of the stories I have completed since joining Wattpad. Self promotion has to be easier on my rather old fashioned genre of choice, anyway. 
          As Winn Peterson was my book for the Creators program (whether that meant anything or not, aha), I'll probably leave her up until my contract ends in August. Otherwise, the rest will be down likely by Friday at the latest. If you're keen on reading anything before it goes, you're more than welcome to visit my website, where I'll be putting up links for these lil stories' new home. Saturnalia is, of course, still published via my last penname Eli Gregory on Amazon, if you're keen on supporting me that way. If you want to keep in contact, you can find me on Instagram via ellis.van.wyk, the easiest way to get in contact with me. 
          Cheers for a scribbly four years!


All the best 
            I’m really glad I got to read your creations while you are here with Wattpad. Best of luck for everything ❣️


@EllisVanWyk I’m really gonna miss seeing you here, but will (obviously lol) still be following your career! I adore your dark gothic masterpieces, and wanna wish you all the luck with getting them the attention they deserve!! ✨


@EllisVanWyk I understand where you’re coming from and I wish you the best of luck. The current trends here will pass, and if not, other opportunities will arise—your presence in this community makes you more visible to other platforms and even agents (I’ve had two agents find me here over the years!). Whatever you decide, you are a great talent with a bright future ahead of you. Never give up your dream! And also, please don’t completely close your account in case you decide to come back one day (I’ve seen that happen and the struggle it took getting back all that was lost). XOXO 


did you know that Winn is a half-Black character based somewhat slightly on my own experiences being mixed-race? i don't often see mixed kids counted as being what they are (either they're assumed white like myself or assumed Black like some of my siblings, simply based on appearance). if you want to show Wattpad that mixed-race stories are everyone's stories, why not give Winn a read this month? 


@EllisVanWyk Hi! That's a cool idea! Never thought of that about mixed races. I'm not one but I have Spanish blood (most Filipinos do) but my great great grandma was a mestiza. Not too far back in the blood line, and when I was in college I had a "Culture Shock". I went to grade school where many had the "White prestigious upbringing and shun uneducated minorities) and since my dad was sent to work in a community near poverty line, I went to high school with Black and Mexican classmates. (Now imagine how an Asian girl would feel, as that was my first experience in that "colored neighborhood" ... My first taste of racism
            Anyway, I'll put your story in my ONC library. Have a good day!


no ONC this year (i still have last year's collaboration to finish), but im also at 70k words of my WIP now!! i have also been working on crocheting more, playing bg3 in every free second, and packing. no time for new stories ;-; but best of luck to all of you writing, and thank you to every new reader out there :3


@EllisVanWyk thanks a bunch! And I enjoy going through your crafts as I've been looking for these kinds of horror and dark theme fics for a while now, love at 1st sight hehe. I'll be joining ONC this year. Take care!


@EllisVanWyk Thank you for wishing me luck. Glad to hear that your life's been going well. See you :)


@EllisVanWyk I'm going to take part but I've not written a thing yet nor do I know which direction to take.


friendly reminder that i am published yasss. if you would like to support a lil ole horror writer this festive season, why not pick up a Kindle copy of Saturnalia over on Amazon for a meagre 3$? don't forget to leave a review if you haven't already :3 link in my bio!


@EllisVanWyk the company i published through said only if it gets enough sales :')


@EllisVanWyk (◕ヮ◕)
            Will you be doing print too? ♡


what's up, spoopy folks? it's werewolf week and out of spite to the omega-verse tropes that wattpad always pushes, i wrote a really gory, gnarly werewolf story! if you'd like to be a rebel, go ahead and check out  A Prayer for the Dead :3 
          <back to scribbling>


Hallo, привет, bonjour
          Been a while, eh? I'm hoping to get back to scribblin' some goodies in November. I can't help but be disappointed that my October-perfect stories have yet to be featured this year, but what are you going to do? 
          In this season of scariness, it's way more important to be safe and vigilant. To everyone affected by this terrifying situation in Israel, no matter what side you're on or what country you were born in or what views and beliefs you have, I pray that you walk out safe and find peace amidst this harrowing madness. ❤️


@EllisVanWyk Hi. It's so nice to see you. Your works truly deserve to be featured from what I've read so far. I'll read more soon.


@EllisVanWyk looking forward to reading more of you! 
            Nowadays Wattpad doesn't want true gothic horror much ig, it's getting really pushed back. It's sad that none of your works which are otherwise perfect got featured 
            Yes...the situation in Israel has escalated to the worst of perils...


Important Saturnalia update:
          I will soon be taking down chapters to keep the story exclusive to Amazon. I'm thinking to leave up to chapter 8 available, so if you haven't read the rest of it, I humbly beg you to consider supporting me by purchasing a $2.99 Kindle copy at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CCSMT176. By August 10, the story will be down to a sample size! 
          Thank you for your understanding, and cheers to moving forward in my publishing/literary career. xx