
Peaches, well… It’s been a long time. 
          	As is typical with my chaotic life, another little wrench has been tossed in there. Approximately four months ago, my daughter found out her boyfriend was cheating on her and the very same day, moved back in with me along with my little grandson.   Now the tricky part…where to put them.  my youngest son is still in high school and my oldest son lives with us along with his girlfriend while they save money to buy land/build his house and warehouse for a business that he/I share. The only room available was my office so not only have I been displaced away from the computer I write with, considering she is also pregnant, we began a mad rush to convert half of our garage into a living space… before she gives birth in two weeks.  
          	I was ridiculously busy before and now it’s just so extreme, I have not even been on Wattpad but just a minute or two here and there and not even opened up messages, so I apologize if you have sent me a message and gotten no response. I’m hoping in another couple of months, I will be able to get back to writing.
          	I was hesitant to share only because having a grandson is a pretty telltale sign that I am not in my 30s. LOL. And sometimes, I think readers can be a bit put off if they know I am older because they find it harder to relate to me given the nature of my stories. I remember what it was like when I was younger and feeling disconnected from an older age group simply because I had no experience/understanding. It’s normal. So I didn’t want to take away from the reader experience, but it’s been so long, I think it’s more necessary to give an update on my life and what to expect for future chapters.  
          	I wish you all the best.  Much love, Emie 


@EmelineRousselot Please tell me Coal and Heat disappearing is a sign you're coming back 


The fact that you are not a teen or 20 something shows in the maturity of your writing! I love it and am also no in my younger years hope all is well with your family. Sounds like our families are around the same age. Never a dull moment❤️ wouldn’t trade it for the world 
          	  All my best! 


@EmelineRousselot I hope you and your family have figured it out! I hope you get to enjoy the time with your family!


For everyone wondering, someone commented on her Inkitt account that someone else had apparently stole Heat, that might be why it’s taken down her… even so, there’s only 5 chapters of Heat on Inkitt too so idk what’s really happening 


Oh wow, well that doubly sucks 


I believe her Inkitt acc was hacked by the same person who uploaded Heat as Mated to the cold hearted alpha on Dreame (when you go to first chapter is add to go and read the rest of the book there). It’s not Emeline, she stole her books and try to steal her identity too. 


Guys I checked she has an inkit account the same name heat is there but only six chapters 


@bellaht89 did you get in touch with Emeline???How do you know it was her and not the thief???If so tell her to make her books paper back so we can buy them from her.


@BuunnnyyRabbbbits You are correct! I had the same ‘conversation’ with her. She did said that and sadly succeeded on Inkitt! I’m glad she didn’t over here. Sadly Emeline took down Heat and Coal because of this piece of thief! 


@savage_swa that's the girl who stole her work. She hacked that account first. When me and a couple of other people started going at her about stealing someone's work she told us she was going to hack this account and remove the books so we wouldn't have proof. And since both the books she has stolen are gone I believe she succeeded 