
I just republished chapter one. It is about half of its original length, and I refuse to apologize for the slow burn. My old writing makes me cringe, so I am doing this for my own sake.


Just published the re-written synopsis for the story. I am not kidding I am editing this one part at a time, so prepare to be patient. <3  I am feeling a lot more connected with this story already hehe.


@EmmaMercury97 oh whoops i didnt see this but i did request somethings just ignore those


Also, as a general update, I do not take requests anymore! I really want to take the imagines down, but am not going to for the time being. <3 Ok that should be all the admin I have to do after ghosting for a few years I hope lol.


Hi my darlings! Warning: long post 
          I posted and deleted something last night because I honestly felt dramatic, but after having some time to think, I want to try again. 
          I loved the premise my story Death on Two Legs, but I posted it before I was ready to. I do not feel proud of the writing. I wrongfully took it down without notice for a deep edit, as I felt inspired to carry on with the story. I have spent months now slowly editing and enjoying my time. I work full time, so it’s an hour a day at most if i’m being honest. 
          Recently, I’ve gotten some awful direct messages. Saying I had no right to take this story from people. Saying how selfish I am. 
          I know how it feels to love and connect with a story, I really do. But telling me I am, and I quote, a “selfish coward” who has “no right to rip this story  away from people” is just far too harsh for wattpad/fanfic, and i think we all know that. While this is a very very small amount of people, I am just one person, so it feels overwhelming. 
          I truly, truly, want to re-enter this space. I know i’ve said that and been flaky before, but this is fanfiction. This is my story. And at the end of the day, I think I have the right to do what I please with it, but also I do want story related feedback. For that reason, I am going to republish it. I am ten chapters into re-editing. I am not happy with the writing, but I do want input and you to enjoy it. However, I am going to have a firm boundary. If you put me down as a person, you’re out. 
          Also, if you’re new here, I am not one to engage in this type of thing. This page is for fun and for my passion to imagine and create. I hate to even clog your feed with this, but I have to say something. Also, several of you have inquired about the story so kindly. This is not about you. Okay, that’s it. The state of the story I am republishing, I am not satisfied with, but this is me compromising. 


@GanggangMercles This warms my heart! Thank you. <3


I am excited for this, silent reader here since you've posted this story.


Hey I just wanna check that’s you’re okay❤️❤️❤️


Yes, so sorry about that, I have been off the radar but do really appreciate you checking in!


@EmmaMercury97 That’s very good!!! Np! Just saw you never responded to my pms and didn’t update or posted anything in a long time so I asked to see if you’re okay❤️


@-Somebody_to_Love- Im all good thank you so much!!


Ah,  so that is why. You let it go for a while.  I knew I read it. Well, I'm vey happy you continuing. I might have even asked way back, "discontinuing?"


Yes! I was totally inactive here for a while, so I am super sorry if I missed that comment but so appreciate your patience ❤️❤️❤️ thanks for your support 


wait a sec, I'm confused. I read a story about 
          joe's cousin, being blackmailed for money and being spiked with drugs. Is this it, is it your, I seem to remember reading it quite a while ago.


@WISHFUL-THINKER10 yes, this is mine, I am considering picking it back up. I have a few chapters prewritten


I really have nothing to say for myself…I am SO sorry if you were enjoying my story when I just left without notice. I know the pain of that. I am back, and feeling inspired. I am quite sure no one is still waiting on updates for DO2L but maybe something else? Love you all and again, so so sorry. And so excited to catch up. 


@FMGMBADBOYS this is so sweet, thank you ❤️


@Original-Mikaelson I hope all is well with you too dear ❤️