
Re write of my stories are posted when you have time. Please comment when you have time, please and read


Please help. I don't know which supernatural creature to make Elena. Siren, succubus , wraith, banshee, or fae . Please help


I haven't read George rr Martin books, so I don't know much about dorne, so can someone spoiled it for me so I know to include them in my story ty


It can also be one of the Martells POV arianne or Tristan, or Quentyn, Doran or Oberyn. About a sudden visit from Daemon before he let them meet Dany. Or Dany's POV on how the sudden changes favor her faster than she thought which will doubt her plans and then it will be cut when Daemon will told her their dragons are prepared to pay a visit to The wedding.


@Empresspandora it can be a POV of Daemon a recollection of his visit on Westeros, who did he visits and what he do at Dragonstone then a plan between Doran, Oberyn and him and Dany, planning to remove as many as possible riches, crops, and People.