
As some of you all may have noticed, Counting Down is being rewritten and the first two chapters have been changed! 
          	They are longer and more compact, with both major and minor plot changes, so I would highly suggest that you reread the new chapters as they release so you don't get behind. (About 4,000 words per newly released chapters. 4x the original lengths, so there's a lot more details.) 
          	Another thing--Izuku's Three is finished! 


As some of you all may have noticed, Counting Down is being rewritten and the first two chapters have been changed! 
          They are longer and more compact, with both major and minor plot changes, so I would highly suggest that you reread the new chapters as they release so you don't get behind. (About 4,000 words per newly released chapters. 4x the original lengths, so there's a lot more details.) 
          Another thing--Izuku's Three is finished! 


Rewritten part one of Counting Down is out! Cynicism is the new chapter! 
          I know the updates won't show very well, but I'll periodically post announcements on newer chapters. 
          For now, enjoy the first part! 
          Also, Izuku'a Three is almost finished, I simply need to post the last five or so chapters!! 


Believer is finished!! I want to say thank you to the people who had faith in me and kept reading! 
          On a related note, I will be working on my remaining two books In Progress (Commission's Game and Counting Down) but feel free to comment and ask for updates on them! 
          Sometimes I forget and your comments remind me... :) 


. . . Hear me out. . . The MHA characters getting old.
           Bakugo decides to go into a retired hero community after finding out it has a sauna and insanely cool training facilities. 
          He gets his own on-campus house that he has to share with four other people. . . .
          Only to find out he can't enjoy retirement the way he planned because he's roomed with Kirishima, Kaminari, Tokoyami and Izuku. And their reunion is a recipe for disaster. 
          Especially when their next door neighbors also happen to be Jiro, Mina, Ururaka, and Hagakure....
          . . . The endless possibilities lol


@Errow77 the ships the drama tha chaos muaahhhaaaa


 I mean, I’d read it.


NOTICE: I've changed Gone Boy's cover! Hope y'all like it! 
          I think I will be slowly making all the covers my own artwork :)


@Errow77 thank you so much!! I wanted the cover to tie in to the story a bit! 


@ Errow77   it looks beautiful. I love the fact that he's holding flowers, it refers to the part where Midnight, Mic and Eraserhead go into the LOV's base and see them dead with those flower arrangements. Like I said somewhere else, gone boy is one of my favourite books of yours and this cover is very pretty and fits it really nicely


SURPRISE!!!  The Unfeasible Series is now being published and the first chapter is outttttt!! I have about 23 parts written up and am planning to finish the final arc in the next couple of days. 
          In the meantime I'm posting the beginning chapters! Y'all might get 2-4 updates a day until the book is finished! Feel free to comment and critique, ask questions if you need to!! 
          I hope you all enjoy!!   :)   :)   :) 


@mayes46673 thank you! I've enjoyed writing it lol


@Errow77 omg I can't wait to read more, it's so good omg