
Happy women Day.
          	Let's say together we are proud to be a girl.


this message may be offensive
Dear Sweet Readers
          Pls do not copy my or others work. It really feels like shit when you do it. When writers say all rights reserved they means it. Pls do not copy. 
          A friend of mine @Novelmind_775 work was copied and was posted in insta without any permission. And others are saying her that she copied. It really so sad for a readers to listen such claim.


Happy International Mother Language Day. 
          Even though we may read and write in many languages we can only express our love and inner feelings in our mother tongue only. Every person should appreciate our mother tongue. And express as much as gratitude towards it.
           আমি আমার মাতৃভাষা ভালবাসি
          أنا أحب لغتي الأم
          'ana 'uhibu lighti al'um
          J'aime ma langue maternelle
          I love my mother tongue.


I didn't get chance to wish my all the readers. 
           So now :
          Happy Valentin day. May you spend your whole life with your love once. And find the other half. In your life maybe your other half is not perfect but always remember no one is perfect you just have your better half. 
          Let's come together and spread love and unity among everyone. And make this world a paradise. 
          If you live in a palace and do not try to make it better , clean it, beautify it and with hatred in heart then it would be similar to living in jail. If you live in small hut and design with care and love then it will be similar to live in paradise. 


All the people present in wattpad. Lets come together and celebrate the end of eventful 2018. Forget all the bad moments. Learn from mistakes. Embrace the new with love and new hope. Advance Happy New Year..❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


@EshmiMithila Nope I am from Bangladesh. But I live in Oman for now nearly 13 year's. 


@EshmiMithila hye.  R u malaysian?  I adore u bcos of ur english