
Sneak peek of a Harry Potter fic coming soon! (no it's not the same one as the other sneak peeks).
          	“Don’t tell me how to raise my daughter, Remus.”
          	“I’m not telling, I’m merely suggesting-“
          	“Well don’t! You are not her father!”
          	“I’m well aware,” Remus started, his voice quieter but Grace could hear the bitterness in his tone. “But not for lack of trying. I’ve asked you countless times-“
          	“But we don’t love each other, Remus! It wouldn’t be fair to either of us!”
          	“But we love her!” Remus snapped, making Grace jump again. “For once Helena… think about Gracie. Doesn’t she deserve to have some resemblance of a family? Not just a few misfit pieces? Doesn’t she deserve to have someone to call ‘dad’, and to have a mother who finally puts her first?”


Sneak peek of a Harry Potter fic coming soon! (no it's not the same one as the other sneak peeks).
          “Don’t tell me how to raise my daughter, Remus.”
          “I’m not telling, I’m merely suggesting-“
          “Well don’t! You are not her father!”
          “I’m well aware,” Remus started, his voice quieter but Grace could hear the bitterness in his tone. “But not for lack of trying. I’ve asked you countless times-“
          “But we don’t love each other, Remus! It wouldn’t be fair to either of us!”
          “But we love her!” Remus snapped, making Grace jump again. “For once Helena… think about Gracie. Doesn’t she deserve to have some resemblance of a family? Not just a few misfit pieces? Doesn’t she deserve to have someone to call ‘dad’, and to have a mother who finally puts her first?”


I just completed the Elijah books and wanted to ask if you will upload book 3 chapters individually or upload the third book after it’s finished? Those were the best books that i’ve read!!!!


@Givemesumfood HI! Awe thank you! I'm so glad that you love them!
            I'll be posting chapters of book 3 individually once I have most of the book finished. Unfortunately I have taken a break from Elijah and Penelope right now, I've hit a big block when it comes to them sadly.


Another peek at the Harry Potter fanfic that I'm working on!
          Freedom mocked him because even though he was free to come and go from the flat as he pleased, he was still in prison. He was imprisoned with no magic, no identity, and no way of escaping. He was stuck.


Another sneaky peak of something exciting~ :)
          “Oh, well yes.. Bertie Botts are very much like those but come in every flavor.”
          	“Every flavor?” she asked, and he nodded. “Like what?’
          	“Well, I haven’t tried every flavor – obviously, however I have come across quite a lot of unsavory ones in my day,” he started and she raised an eyebrow, not believing that there really could be jelly beans that come in every flavor. “I’ve had broccoli, onion, pepper, tomato, ketchup, mushy peas-“
          	“Mushy pea flavored jelly bean?” she asked and he only nodded.
          	“It wasn’t terrible, but not pleasant either,” he answered before continuing. “Soap, dirt, ear wax-“
          	“Ear wax!?” she exclaimed, and he couldn’t help but smile as he nodded. “How unfortunate.”
          	“Oh that isn’t even the worst of it, love.”
          	“What could they make that would be worse than eating ear wax?”
          	“Well, my best mate got a bogey-flavored one once!”he said, trying not to laugh at the memory. I had the misfortune of heating a vomit-flavored one,” his face curled in disgust as he shook the memory away.
          	“Vomit?” She asked, her face curling in disgust and he nodded. “Did they have a jelly bean that tasted like piss too?” She asked, joking but he only nodded. “…Poo?” She whispered in shock, and he grimaced.
          	“Unfortunately, so,” he replied. Harrietta jerked, and he tried not to smile as he watched her fair skin start to turn green.


@ EvannaClarke  I love your books and I'm already curious about this one, let's take a look at Elijah and Penelope's book too? ❤️ <3


Sneaky peak of something exciting~!
          “Where’s Remus?” He asked urgently. The woman frowned, looking back of at him in confusion. 
          “Remus? Where is he? I need to speak with him, it’s very important.”
          The woman blinked, her lips parting as she continued to stare at him. “You…need to speak to…Remus?”
          “Yes,” he nodded. “Please, where is he?”
          Her dog growled louder and the woman bent at the waist to rest a hand on the dogs head. “I’m sorry…but I think you’re mistaken…” she told him softly.
          “I can’t be,” he shook his head. “I heard you tell Remus to ‘come on’. I know he’s here…”
          “I did,” she nodded slowly. “But-“
          “Where is he?”


Something might be coming soon!!! :) 
          but...it's not what you may expect!! :) Tee hee.


@TheCatKyle no need to be scared lol


@ EvannaClarke  I'm scared :(


Hey I saw you comment on one of your chapters, saying, you're making a kol fanfic.i was just seeing if you was actually writing one


@EvannaClarke oooo can’t wait for that


@XUni21 I'll write one eventually. I won't be writing it until I finish Elijah and Penny's story :) 