
          	Rework “From Blades to Guns” a bit
          	The fgo fanfic will continue on
          	Food wars fanfic will begin as soon as I finished chapter 1 and 2


Any new chapters coming up?


I’ll be honest, I attempted to try and write the next chapter so many times but it does not mesh well because I forgot what was Chapter 10 going to be like with the phone thing probably something to summon a servant however I don’t have the time to write anything since college began and I may not be able to write anything since the workload keeps on increasing and that I also need to put my attention into making sure that I get to 2nd year


Is A Chef's Possession still in the works?


How's the first chapter rewrite going?


@GrandAdimalSquid I may or may not have to start rewriting the first chapter


, how's chef possession coming along


So I haven't been motivated to write anything for awhile, I have been dealing with a lot of mental issues ever since the 1st Semester and 2nd Quarter ended, been struggling to fight against my demotivation trying to feel something for this month and no matter what, I don't feel it so I will be putting all stories on hold until further notice. Sorry for the lack of updates on From Blades to Guns, The upcoming Food Wars! Fanfic and Fate Fanfic. I am hoping to have a lot of feelings soon because I am lacking that right now


this message may be offensive
Update regarding my life on school and how I will be doing fanfics/stories,
          So it is tough having to balance on being a student and being a writer, I have to be honest it is painful yeah but I still managed to have free time but I didn't put it on writing chapters on my published fanfics and that I may have disappointed you, I confess that I have an original story being made at the moment but it might be posted on a different platform as a test run and meanwhile I will be keeping it a secret for the other platform that I write fanfics until I am requested to do so, with that out of the way, I am sorry for being a failure to deliver chapters after chapters because of my inconsistent scheduling and how I manage to write each chapters and uploading only once per month (or even twice if possible), do tell me what do you guys think is right for the moment while I am still thinking on how I may approach things while being an 11th Grade student and my school is basically slaving me away because I have 288 Assignments per quarter and that's fucked.


Side note: I think that I should just prepare 5 chapters ready to be posted daily during the making of the chapters on the deadline probably 5 chapters per 2 months (uploading it daily until all the chapters I have made are already posted and return to writing for 2 or 3 months to post it again like a cycle until I finished the story)


Anyone want to see a preview of an original story of mine? Because I need someone to tell me their opinion ^_^


I’m down to check it out


@ ExTulzion  ok! 